Got into an argument with one of my writers the other day.
They wrote an ad claiming our system has created multiple seven figure companies.
I told the writer,
“Making that claim and offering no proof to back it up is a recipe for disaster.”
Why is everyone so obsessed with downloads?
What does that number even mean?
What happens when you get X-amount of downloads?
Fact is,
Downloads don’t mean diddly.
And I want to prove it to you.
That’s why I recorded a new training showing you a better, more effective way, to measure the success of your podcast.…
Look, I’m going to level with you.
When they said you’d have a massive audience;
When they said you’d get tons of traffic;
When they said everyone would know your name…
They lied to you.
Them Guroobs want you to believe that podcasting is some sort of magic bullet that will give you the lifestyle of your dreams.…
What came first?
The chicken or the egg?
If you ask me, I’d say the egg.
That’s why I find it so amusing when people put the chicken before the egg in podcasting.
Here’s what I mean.
Too many people are jumping on the podcasting bandwagon because some guroob some where told them it’s an awesome way to build your audience.…
If you’ve ever felt
Then I’ve got something for you.
It’s a weird cure I learned from an eighty year old man who has spent the last 35 years helping thousands of entrepreneurs (like you and me) create self managing companies without compromising time with their family or getting burnt out.…