Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

I get a kick out of it when someone asks me if I can get them to the top of iTunes.
Why? Because my Podcast Launch Formula got 11 of my first 11 shows into the top ten charts of iTunes.
And you know what, it had less to do with me and more to do with my hosts.…


It seems like it was only yesterday.
When we travelled to the Philippines to meet our son, Huddy for the very first time.
With his sense of humor, quick temper, and hate for all green veggies – we know he has grown to be “one of us.”
It’s been two years since he came home with us and we decided he’s ready to see where he came from.…


Today I was on the phone with one of my favorite clients.
We were discussing a new project code named “EverContent” or “E.C.” for short.
E.C. is designed to give our clients a perpetual content launch from each episode they record.…


Last night I got an ear full from Cupcake.
Turns out our audio engineer was losing his mind.
He didn’t know what to do with my new show because it’s so different than everything else we’ve done here at The Podcast Factory.…


Alright, things are gonna get a little weird.
If you’re not down with that,
You can stop reading right now.
Still here?
The past couple of months I’ve been questioning everything I know about launching a podcast.…


I was reading an article on CNBC about self made millionaires.
One of the quotes gave me a hardy belly-laugh.
It’s from none other than grind-your-face-off bro:
Gary Vaynerchuck.
In it he says, “…any start-up founder who wants to make it should be working 18 hours per day.”
Maybe that works for Vaynerchuck,
But for anyone who gives a damn about their family,
Who wants to enjoy their life,
This won’t cut it.…


You wanna know the best way to grow?
It’s nothing new,
You’ve heard it a thousand times.
But if you’re not doing this…regularly. 
You’re not living up to your potential.
And you’re not making the impact you should be.…


I’m not going to toot my own horn here.
But I’m pretty sure the world will be a [better + happier] place when people get their ears on this.
I call it “The 3 word cure for (almost) all emotional problems.”
I learned it from a kindergarten teacher.…


One of the dorkiest posts of all times.
It goes like this…
“Hey, I’m launching a podcast and I need you to vote on which cover art you like best. Do you like (a.) or (b.)?”
I get why people do this.…


I don’t know why,
But I always find it funny when people talk about creating “Lifestyle Business.”
Isn’t any business a lifestyle business?
If you’ve ever wondered how me and Cupcake run our biz, take month long ‘vacations’, and raise a kid then you’re in luck.…


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