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Integrations that take longer than a year bankrupt your company.
Well, there’s a few reasons, but nothing is as detrimental as this:
Instead of focusing on strategy, senior leaders have now spent an entire year on integration.… READ MORE

Storing processes in the minds of your senior leaders is a huge risk for your business. What would happen to your firm if those leaders leave the company?
You don’t have to imagine, I’ll tell you: Essential knowledge is lost, leaving the rest of the organization without clear direction or guidance.… READ MORE

When it comes to integrations, your mindset produces results.
This is a simple, observable fact. Yet leaders of the 70-90% of acquisitions that fail kneel at the altar of “budget management”, have a scarcity mindset, and fall prey to worthless data.… READ MORE

AOL & Time Warner (2001) — $65 billion loss.
Daimler-Benz & Chrysler (1998) — $36 billion loss.
Google & Motorola (2012) — $12.5 billion loss.
These behemoths all failed when trying to integrate.

An M&A with multiple objectives is a great way to fail.
Diluted focus poisons the effectiveness when acquiring a business. To cover the costs of trying to integrate everything, profits are depleted instead of being used to grow the business.… READ MORE

Most M&A integrations destroy more value than they create. They do this by asking these irrelevant questions:

How do we sustain our culture?
How do we put our new portfolio, products, and services into the market?… READ MORE

When you try to do everything, you achieve nothing.
The biggest mistake I see food and agribusiness companies making is having multiple reasons why they’re executing an M&A.
Sounds weird, right?… READ MORE

Mergers & acquisitions (M&As) often destroy more value than they create.
Statistically speaking, it’s a safer bet to invest all your time in creating a new business, as opposed to executing an M&A.… READ MORE

You’re an agribusiness executive navigating an increasingly competitive market while trying to grow your company, deliver profitable results, set your people up for future success, all while preserving the core and culture of what your company stands for.… READ MORE

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