I hear this story all the time,
You want to start a podcast, you invest a bunch of dough into a course then you dive in only to find out there are hours and hours of videos, worksheets, and assignments before you can get your podcast to market.… READ MORE
Sometimes you may get the impression that I'm kinda hard on you DIY'ers out there who want to do all your podcast work on your own.
And you may be right, but it's only because I struggled many years doing all the work myself and not focusing on what I'm good at which caused me a ton of frustration and heart ache.… READ MORE
While thumbing through "facepile" the other day I saw a funny thread.
There was a guys complaining he was getting too many emails from one of my fellow daily writers.
The little lilly-livered subscriber had this to say, "You should give me the option to choose how often I get emailed."
And you know what, he's right.… READ MORE
You’re really pushing your luck buckeroo.
Time is running out for you to subscribe to the Podcast Mogul newsletter – it goes to the printer tomorrow.
And here is what you’ll miss if you don’t subscribe tonight:
How you can get all the benefits of podcasting without all the hard work or expense
A simple way to never run out of topics and always sound interesting
How to grow your audience and your confidence in one fell swoop
Where you can find your perfect audience (and tap into them)
The two things you must have to get podcasts hosts lining up to have you on their show
A proven formula to become an “overnight celebrity” in your market
And a ho’ bunch more
No time to dilly dally, if you want in subscribe now:
Producer Jonathan… READ MORE