“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

I was reading an interesting article that talks about how watching TV activates the lower part of your brain. It’s the same part people commonly called your “lizard brain.”
You know the part of your brain that is responsible for your fight or flight reflex.… READ MORE

The other day I hosted a live training where I shared some of my most closely guarded secrets on how I built The Podcast Factory.
One of the parts that got people’s attention was my Triple D list building method.… READ MORE

Yesterday I got down on funnel ex-spurts and their expensive software.
There’s a reason for that.
I’ve tried just about every landing page plugin, funnel software, and squeeze page builder on the market.… READ MORE

When you're in the game long enough you start to see patterns.
For instance, two years ago everything was about masterminds and coaching.
One year ago all anyone could talk about was high ticket stuff.… READ MORE

Looks like all my whip crackin' has finally paid off.
My team has The Podcast Factory website up to date with all the newest shows.
Before you run off to fill your greedy little ear holes with the hotness from last week you should know the best way to stay up to date with everything "Podcast Factory" is to subscribe to our channel on You Tube.… READ MORE

9 times out of 10 people listening to your podcast are no where near their computer.
They’re either in their car, or at the gym, or washing dishes, or doing any number of things that makes it hard for them to take you up on your call to action.… READ MORE

Subscriber Marquel wrote to ask me,
"Hey Jonathan, quick question…
I already had a podcast called "I Love Entrepreneurship"
where I was interviewing entrepreneurs…
I haven't published a new episode in a minute, so
was going to just launch a new one.… READ MORE

Cupcake always asks me, "Why you gotta be so rude?"
And I can't help myself, it's in my nature.
In response to yesterday's note where I told you to forget about Flakebook ads and focus on your existing customers instead I got this response from a butt hurt subscriber:
"Really Jonathan, people on Facebook are flaky?… READ MORE

Talking to one of my buddy's last week he told me that he was going to start running flakebook ads.
I asked him, "Why on earth would you want to do that?"
And he said, "So I can get more email opt-ins"
I told him it was a huge waste of time.… READ MORE

The average podcast listener is tuning in on the go.
They are listening to you in their car, at the gym, riding their bike, going for a run, or anywhere other than sitting right in front of their computer.
Which means it's tough to get your podcast listeners from your show onto your email list.… READ MORE

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