“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

Ain’t this some stuff.
Cupcake and I hired some consultants to help us dial-in our buyer personas.
If you don’t know what that means don’t feel bad.
Neither did I.
Turns out it’s a fancy way of saying, “buyer profile.”
In other words, doing research on your best clients and finding out what they have in common.… READ MORE

If you’re anything like my most successful clients,
You’re always in the market for good+qualified people to talk with about your service.
But how can you be sure the people you get on the phone with will be a good fit for your biz without wasting a bunch of time on calls?… READ MORE

Check it…
While I was in Utah last time I decided to try something new.
So I created a Facebook Group called “Authority Podcasting.”
Inside that group I shared some of the BEST training videos I’ve ever done.… READ MORE

Man I love it when marketers show up in my inbox when they need some dough.
It’s like,
“Stick ‘em up and hand over your moolah… My rent is due.”
That’s one of the reasons you hear from me (almost) daily.… READ MORE

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”
A lot of people credit this quote to genius physicist Albert Einstein.
Yes, he developed the Theory of Relativity.… READ MORE

What is there was a system that knocked out all your potential clients objections before they even talked to you?
How much more fun would it be to hop on the call and close deals?
How much easier would your sales calls be?… READ MORE

Employees say the darndest things.
A while back I was on a call with someone we hired to help with marketing stuff.
We were talking numbers.
I wasn’t happy with what she was saying.
So I kept digging.
Asking question after question trying to understand why she wasn’t hitting her numbers.… READ MORE

At night I like to watch sitcoms before I drift off to sleep.
The other night I was watching one of my favorites.
I literally laughed out loud.
So loud I woke Cupcake and she asked what I was watching.
It was season 8 episode 2 of “Everybody Loves Raymond.”
The one about the Thank You notes.… READ MORE

Sitting at the airport in Atlanta waiting to board my flight. Just finished up a day at Strategic Coach.  One thing they keep hammering into our heads is Dan Sullivan’s idea:
Who Not How
You have a new idea you want to roll out.… READ MORE

When I saw the application come through I told Cupcake,
“This one isn’t going anywhere.”
“How do you know?” she asked.
And I told her we received almost the same exact app from the same person a year ago.… READ MORE

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