“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

One of the biggest benefits of having your own podcast is people get to know you, at scale. You record an episode, put it online, share it, and people listen. The more consistent you are, the more people begin to know like and trust you.… READ MORE

There’s a huge explosion under the armored truck. The ground crumbles beneath it. The truck drops down to the subway passage below. There’s a team waiting to break into the armored truck. When they get in, they find a safe they don’t recognize.… READ MORE

Chris GarrisonBigger Vision

If you just walk [The Podcast Factory’s] process, you get to the point where you start recording.”
Chris Garrison’s on a mission to help other people unlock financial independence and freedom.… READ MORE

Imagine you’re sitting in the back row of Christie’s Auction House in New York. The next painting up for auction is a black canvas with white letters. It reads: May 1, 1987. You laugh to yourself, thinking your kid could’ve done that.… READ MORE

American Poet, Maya Angelous said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.” Today we’ll talk about a simple way to never run out of ideas.
In this article:

Scott HudspethMillionaire Loan Officer

I can’t change lives if I’m editing a podcast to try to publish.”
Scott Hudspeth helps his clients become millionaire loan officers with his proven process.… READ MORE

Did you know that Homo sapiens and neanderthals lived at the same time? I didn’t know it until I read the book, “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.” In the book the author tells the story of how the Homo sapiens wiped out the Neanderthals.… READ MORE

One of the most common questions I get from new clients is…
Should I do a solo or interview show?
The answer is it depends. You have to do what’s right for you and your business.
Easier said than done, right?… READ MORE

What do you think of when you hear Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or Chase Bank? These are some of the most powerful financial institutions in the world. But, have you ever heard of Cross River Bank? In the last year, Cross River Bank has become a business lending powerhouse.… READ MORE

In the early 1400’s getting educated was a privilege reserved for the upper echelon of society. That’s because books were extremely expensive and hard to produce. Back then books were created by hand by scribes in monasteries.… READ MORE

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