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You plan your vacation to relax and take a break from work. But too often being out of the office means you’re cramming in extra hours right up till the moment you leave. By the time you get to the airport, you’re tired, frazzled, and cranky.… READ MORE

Laundry, unwashed dishes, meal plan for the week, work, medical appointments, and so much more. Being a mom comes with a seemingly endless to-do list.
And you’re not only staring down a busy schedule – you’re also carrying around a mental list of decisions, reminders, and things you need to do.… READ MORE

Most corporate workplaces buy into certain myths that can unintentionally keep women and minorities from reaching their potential (even in diverse and progressive companies).
My guest today, Deanna Bass, has codified these myths that keep true equality just out of reach.… READ MORE

Do you ever wake up feeling like your dimmer switch is on? As if some external force needs to rise up to push you through the workday? 
Pay attention because you could be noticing the signs of early-stage burnout. READ MORE

Let’s face it – we all have bad mornings. Whether it’s losing your temper with your little one, getting stuck in traffic, or spilling coffee on your favorite white shirt…little things can add up and make you want to climb back into bed.READ MORE

As a working mom, your life may feel like a balancing act. 
Between juggling school calendars, work, quality time with your family, you’re pulled in a lot of different directions. And you have to switch gears on the regular. READ MORE

As we get older, we start to experience a range of mental and physical changes. Whether it’s a little extra weight you’ve never noticed before or a transition into menopause, it can become stressful when you don’t know what’s natural and what’s in your control.… READ MORE

Have you ever caught yourself feeling jealous of others’ successes, looks, or achievements?
Whether we like it or not, we all feel envious sometimes. The feelings can chase us around and fill us with strong emotions like anger, shame, and sadness. READ MORE

Do you worry about how TVs, iPads, and phones are turning us (and our kids) into disconnected zombies? 
You’re not alone.
We’re all guilty of being glued to these devices for most of our days. With endless options of entertainment at our fingertips, it’s easy to lose touch with our surroundings and with each other.READ MORE

Imagine you’re 16 again. Could you make better choices with the perspective you have today?  
So often, we base our decisions on our current perspective. And that can keep us stuck. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by our circumstances, fears, or other people’s opinions.READ MORE

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