“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

Today’s “Ben Settle Show” we dole out some Facebook lovin’.

How to raise your prices by (ethically) using the same methods of the world’s scummiest drug dealers.
A little-known secret to using insomnia to build your businesses faster, stronger and more profitably.…


On today’s “Ben Settle Show” podcast:
* A secret negotiation trick that instantly turns the tables in your favor during ANY negotiation.
* How to screw with a crooked car salesman’s head.…


On today’s “Ben Settle Show” we pontificate about:
* How to make an “air tight” case to persuade people to buy products and services they  normally wouldn’t even look at.


Today’s show is ALL about podcasting.

SEO hacks for ranking way higher than your competitors.
A secret way to get iTunes to send you a crap load of traffic.
Why 90% of online marketers should NOT be podcasting (despite what the hype & swipe goo-roos claim) and how to know if you should or not.…


The 11th “Ben Settle Show” is up and running on iTunes.
Here’s what ya get:

How to make more profits by attracting less customers.

The missing million-dollar ingredient practically every single direct marketer on the face of the earth lacks.


The magic #10th “Ben Settle Show” episode is aaawwn.
Here’s what’s inside:
* Why my deranged “Zombie Cop” novel will sell more copies of my “Christian Business Secrets” book
* A writing trick I use to boost my creativity, have more physical energy, be in better shape and write for longer periods of time
without fatigue
* How to “root out” all the weird stuff in your subconscious (which often translates to making more sales from your emails and ads)
* A reliable “acid test” that tells you whether you should cut something out when editing any kind of writing you do
* The Dean Koontz secret to fast pressure-free writing
* The most important part of your novel for making the maximum amount of sales
* How to pre-launch fiction (using a secret the world’s greatest living copywriter discovered when he was young, about to lose his job, and HAD to write an ad that worked or he’d be canned.


Today’s Ben Settle Show is (mostly) about…
Sociopaths, baby!
Join us as we step up to the mic and rap about:

The exact personality type that is ripe for being fleeced by
sociopaths and other “unsavory” characters & scams.…


Here’s what’s on today’s Ben Settle Show episode:

How to profit next time your auto-responder service goes down. (If people using Aweber when it went down a couple weeks ago had done this, they’d have made out like bandits, and anxiously await for it to go down again…)
Why my best customers cussed at, curse at and profane me.…


Chicks’re gonna loooove today’s Ben Settle Show episode.
Because of our guest:
The esteemed Jim Clair.
Jim is the head copywriter (i.e. the “personality”) of Tao Of Badass—the #1 company on Clickbank which sells products to men who want to get more dates.…


Today’s Ben Settle Antipreneur show (our 6th episode) reveals:
* Why the “law of reciprocity” is a big pile of horse crap.
* How swiping makes you look like a fool to your own list. (A so-called “7-figure marketer” looked like an idiot to his own list
last year when he did this — if you are always clinging to “swipes” then chances are you’re making this same mistake.)
* How to get people to buy from you even if they hate you.


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