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“Whatever you’re thinking about doing, run it through a filter of: am I willing to be committed to this thing for nine months at a minimum?” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-78_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
Researchers say entrepreneurship is on the decline.Read this article for more: http://www.brookings.edu/research/papers/2014/05/declining-business-dynamism-litan
Main Topic:
The Consistency Roadblock
4 Questions to ask yourself:

“Sometimes the plan might not be perfect but if you just follow through with it, it will be better than trying to redo the plan halfway through. Just keep going.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-77_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
25 cents: When minimum wage was first enacted in 1938 the rate was 0.25 per hour
Main Topic:
The Plan Roadblock
3 Questions to ask yourself:

“”Yeah, I tried that one time. That didn’t work.” Anyone who talks like that in your office, get away from them as soon as possible.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-76_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
78%: According to Marketingland.com 78% of people read or scan their direct mail
Main Topic:
The Mindset Roadblock
Three tips:

“Pick up the intensity. Stop putting in 12-hour days. Start putting in six- and eight-hour days but just be more intense.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-75_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
29.3% : According to the US census 29.3% of people own their home free and clear

“And what they found is that every day there’s 2.4 billion conversations about a brand.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-74_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
2028 – Marvel Studios has mapped out films all the way to 2028
Main Topic:
The Sphere of Influence Roadblock
Three tips:

“You have to get some assistance. You got to get someone helping you against that resistance.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-73_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
76% put money and work as leading cause of stress in their lives
Main Topic:
The Resistance Roadblock
3 Questions to ask yourself:

“Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful of the friends you choose for you will become them.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-72_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
$63.2 billion a year in lost productivity
Sleep deprivation is now costing U.S.… READ MORE

“And that’s where all those little $9 and $19 a month stack up and to me that’s wasting money.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-71_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
47% of real estate agents are the primary source of income for their household
Main Topic:
Wasting money roadblock
3 Tips to stop wasting your money:

“And I think you got to move past our instincts here on doing nothing. We freeze with all of this information out there. I think it’s really easy to do nothing.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-70_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
The average real estate agent is a 57 year old white woman
Main Topic:
The “Do Nothing Roadblock”
3 Tips to stop doing nothing:

“It just would not make sense if we didn’t identify them so that when we saw them show up, we would have a plan, a method in order to get over it, around it, through it, under it, whatever we’re going to do.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-69_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
$250,000 – According to the NAR Member Profile Report, only 4% of real estate agents make $250,000 or more.… READ MORE

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