Interesting show this week.
You’re about to discover that guys will pay BIG money if you can give them a boner.
And no, this has nothing to do with high priced call girls and porn stars… like our president is so fond of.… READ MORE
Successful people work hard, but you’d never even realize it.
They make things look annoyingly effortless, have a zen-like calmness to their attitude and are always in control of their situation.
So how do they do it?… READ MORE
Last week, Nic Peterson, Jonathan Montgomery and Dr Trevor Kashey talked about cutting the crap from your life and why doing less equals more.
Today’s episode may sound a little counterintuitive, but there’s a rather specific way of adding things back into your life without creating massive amounts of overwhelm and stress.… READ MORE
‘Free consultations’ are dead.
One of the most common mistakes coaches make when trying to get high-paying clients online is blasting links everywhere, begging people to book a free consultation call with them.… READ MORE
Have you ever had an experience in which you felt like a fraud? Or have you ever felt like you don’t deserve what you have? Maybe in business, or in your marriage, or as a mom?
Today we’re going to dig into the underpinnings of what’s often called “imposter syndrome.” I’ll walk through the reasons you may be struggling with this and why it’s so important that you get beyond it.… READ MORE
The biggest ‘secret’ to success is has nothing to do with your ability to sell, and it’s most definitely not about beating the new Facebook algorithm. It’s simple but not always easy to execute on.… READ MORE
Getting organized is a huge factor in your business success. As a creative, it can be hard to know when to focus on what! I hear you, I actually struggle to focus on creative time because I know how important marketing is (especially when you’re selling online!) The key really is about balance, because you want to avoid burnout in both of these areas.… READ MORE
He who loses his marbles dies wondering what could have been … You might be thinking I’ve lost mine, but I assure you, there’s a deep lesson here. I’m going to share with you something I personally do to help me tangibly feel the value of my time.… READ MORE
The newest podcast is up and at ‘em at the link below. It’s a Q&A audience members have asked over the last year, like what I think of the MGTOW (men go their own way) movement, amongst other things you probably won’t care about, but that I prattled on about anyway.… READ MORE
Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
The majority of real estate agents pressure themselves into being available for their clients virtually around the clock.… READ MORE