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Investing in yourself might seem out of the question. You consider it ‘cash to burn’ and don’t see any financial returns on it. 
But when you classify everything as an expense, it’s hard to see anything as an investment.READ MORE

We probably all carry a little fear around money conversations… but when it comes to asking for more, it feels easier to budget our days away (than ask for the income we deserve).
When we cut back on spending or look at downsizing, we only end up thinking smaller.READ MORE

Financial management is not a topic everyone wants to talk about. In fact, most people go out of their way to avoid the money talk. Whether it’s a credit score that needs work or a budget that needs focus, finances aren’t always the easiest to discuss. READ MORE

A lot of us have a weird anxiety around money. We don’t like looking at our bank account, thinking about retirement or reviewing our expenses. 
But being afraid of finances costs you—and not just financially. READ MORE

There are times in life when everything feels out of balance. You struggle through the basics and find every moment stressful. When you’re off your game, everything feels kind of impossible!

At those times, it’s important to remember there are three legs holding up the stool of life.READ MORE

When you can’t seem to calm yourself down at the end of the day, sleep feels impossible. But what if you had steps to take that led you gently to a state where your body and mind were ready for rest?
Between the anxious thoughts and constant pings on our phone, bedtime for us isn’t the magical time we’ve created for our kids.… READ MORE

Whether it’s a broken New Year’s resolution or blunder at work, we’re all really good at keeping track of what goes wrong. It’s easier to ruminate about our bad days than build the momentum to have better ones. READ MORE

You may think that weekends and holidays are the time to get caught up. You finish the work week only to overstuff your time off with even more things to do. And you’re always trying to catch up. 
But is being caught up really possible?READ MORE

Over the last year, many of us have learned powerful lessons. And while sometimes the experiences that teach those lessons can drain us, there’s no better way to start off a new year than with a powerful mindset, rooted in hard-earned wisdom.… READ MORE

In last week’s episode, we took a whirlwind tour of the Enneagram and its nine types. You may have even found out where you fit into the Enneagram model (and what drives your behavior).
But the gateway to deeper connection is in communicating with all types of the Enneagram.READ MORE

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