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You have to retrain the way your brain works if you want to properly grow and scale your business.
What got your business to its current level of success is not what will take it to higher heights.
In this episode, Robert Nickell joins JR to discuss hidden (and lucrative) ways to grow and invest in your team, which in turns helps grow your business without you managing every single interaction.… READ MORE

Everyone wants to grow and scale their business.
But, many entrepreneurs do it completely wrong. Sure, they make more money, but it comes at the cost of their freedom and sanity.
In this episode, JR is sitting down with Robert Nickell to talk about building a business that serves his lifestyle and how he’s been able to successfully grow and scale his business while reducing his day-to-day by 80-90%.… READ MORE

Half the trick of running a successful business is knowing when to pivot.
Pivoting at the wrong time can leave you bankrupt. But pivoting at the right time can grow your bank account while increasing your freedom.… READ MORE

The entire real estate industry has never been more flooded with competition — especially from gigantic corporations.
Luckily, there’s still some “old-fashioned” tactics that help you stand head and shoulders above these behemoths.… READ MORE

Many real estatepreneurs have been duped into believing they’re only one funnel away from an extravagant lifestyle.
But the truth is that it requires a lot more work than that.
In today’s episode, we’re showing you how to put in the necessary hard work while also slacking off too…
Here Are The Show Highlights:

Why you’re not “one funnel away” from living all your wildest dreams (2:09)
The biggest mistake 99% of real estate investors make that’s keeping them broke (3:35)
How to appear everywhere in a local marketplace without flushing millions of dollars down the drain (10:01)
How to close deals –– especially when your prospect is not ready to buy (10:43)
The lazy man’s secret for stretching a few minutes of content into months of marketing assets (12:04)
Why you don’t need nearly as much content as you think to build successful marketing campaigns (13:55)
How to get away with being lazy in your real estate business (14:48)

If there was ONE THING that was helpful in this episode, share this show with someone it will help, and come back next week.… READ MORE

Most real estatepreneurs are leaving money on the table.
In today’s episode, we’re sharing how to leverage your email list to close more deals and build better relationships… while spending less time to do it.… READ MORE

In business, you’re either a mule or a magician.
The mule has been brainwashed to feel proud about his long nights and hard work. Whereas the magician can move mountains without even looking like he’s trying.… READ MORE

Entrepreneurs get too distracted by things that matter in the short term that they ignore everything that matters in the long term.
You can’t build a legacy by always running around like a chicken with his head chopped off.… READ MORE

Hiring employees is scary. You’re personally liable if they don’t work out.
But you need to hire employees if you want to stop driving yourself crazy. And you need employees if you want to build a legacy.… READ MORE

Too many people think they could build and grow a successful business by working more.
But you actually have to learn to work less if you want to build a legacy.
In today’s episode, we’re sitting down with Joe Evangelisti to talk about how to build a legacy from the ground up and why it’s not as simple as working more.… READ MORE

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