“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

Another week and another bunch of shows to fill your earholes.
Here are some goodies you may have missed last week and a little sneak peak of whats inside each one.
And, never miss your favorite show again when you Subscribe to our You Tube channel.… READ MORE

Jerry Seinfeld jokes that more people are afraid of public speaking than they are of death.
Check this out:
There's something called glossophobia. If you have this condition then you might experience intense anxiety at the thought of verbally communicating with any group.… READ MORE

True story,
I was recording with my buddy Ben Settle the other day and we got to talking about books.
He said people are always sending him books he didn't ask for and doesn't want.
He especially hates it when someone sends him their book in hopes that he'll read and promote it.… READ MORE

A little while back I wrote and asked "Why aren't you podcasting?"
And I got a reply from one of my readers the other day that I wanted to share with you.
Keir wrote to say,
"I'm working on building a list first.READ MORE

We've all been there before.
You're talking to a friend when they start giving you ever gory detail about their last case of food poisoning.
Before you know it they're telling you a story you wish you'd never heard.… READ MORE

On back to back calls yesterday I asked the folks who I was speaking with why they decided to talk with me about their podcasting needs.
The answer from both made me smile.
They said I was always there with my relentless emailing.… READ MORE

There are a lot of things that can go wrong when you're starting a podcast all by yourself with no experience, no team, and no budget.
Here are three things that will surely send your podcast to an early grave.… READ MORE

If you've been around a while you know I usually share "What you missed last week" at The Podcast Factory.
It's a lineup of the shows from the last week.
You may have noticed something different in the programs and how I'm sharing.… READ MORE

The other day I sent a note asking why you're not podcasting.
Thankfully, some of you wrote back and said you have already started your podcast – kudos to you.
And then some of you gave me different reasons why you haven't started yet.… READ MORE

For most people, the idea of podcasting can be very scary.
There's all the tech stuff you have to worry about.
There's the big time commitment involved in launching your show and keeping it going.… READ MORE

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