“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

What’s worse than no one listening to your podcast?
Having the wrong kind of listeners.
People with no dough, short attention spans, and no ability to invest in themselves.
If you attract these folks you’ll never be able to cash in on your podcast.… READ MORE

If your thinking about starting your own podcast I’ve got good and bad news for you.
First, the good news.
In 2018 we had the biggest jump in podcast listenership ever. CBS conducted a study and people who now listen to podcasts several times per week was up from 15% last year to 23% this year.… READ MORE

Why do so many people think podcast lead generation will work for them?
Maybe it’s because all the GuRoobs paint a pretty picture and tell you that podcasting is great lead generator.
Perhaps it’s because guys like John Lee Dumas make it look easy.… READ MORE

Weird things happen when you’re sitting face to face with someone.
Baring your soul.
Sharing your deepest darkest secrets.
Check it…
Whenever we start a new client we do a throrough interview to get all the details on them, their offer, and their market.… READ MORE

You ever hear of Kenny Loggins?
He recorded with the “Nitty Gritty Dirt Band in the 1970’s.
In the 1980’s he won an academy award for his work on the Footloose soundtrack.
Although I’m not a fan of his music I can’t help but sing along when I hear “Dangerzone.”
Anyways, while preparing for the latest episode of the Daddy’s Working Podcast I was surprised to find a quote I used came from one of his songs.… READ MORE

In the last couple of weeks we’ve added 352 people to this newsletter.
And every time we get a influx like this it never fails.
The crazies come out and start applying to work with me and my team.
That’s why it’s time for a quick math lesson.… READ MORE

Stop handling sales objections and erase them instead.
Phone sales can be incredibly hard, especially if you’re trying to sell people cold. But it doesn’t have to be so hard. In this post I’ll show you how handling objections can be easier by using content marketing in your sales funnel.… READ MORE

Had a weird conversation the other day.
Someone reached out to me saying, “Hi Jonathan, we help REALTORs market their growing practice through…”
I was confused.
Didn’t understand why she thought I was a REALTOR.… READ MORE

It’s Valentines Day.
A day to celebrate love.
Wait in line too long for dinner.
Eat mediocre food.
Buy over priced flowers.
And stuff your face with a load of cheap chocolates.
Me and Cupacake – we’re not into that.… READ MORE

“Our love of being right is best understood as our fear of being wrong.”
~ Kathryn Schulz
Reading an article in Harvard Business review about what you should do when you make a mistake.
Most of us hate making mistakes.… READ MORE

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