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Over the last year, many of us have learned powerful lessons. And while sometimes the experiences that teach those lessons can drain us, there’s no better way to start off a new year than with a powerful mindset, rooted in hard-earned wisdom.… READ MORE

In last week’s episode, we took a whirlwind tour of the Enneagram and its nine types. You may have even found out where you fit into the Enneagram model (and what drives your behavior).
But the gateway to deeper connection is in communicating with all types of the Enneagram.READ MORE

The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche. It reveals what we do to feel loved and what motivates our behavior. The Enneagram uses numbers, instead of language, to explain attitude and behavior.
Even though there are nine distinct personality types, one dominates each of our lives.READ MORE

The promise of a road trip is always exciting. You gather your favorite snacks and queue up a playlist, ready for adventure.
But what you’ve envisioned and what actually unfolds can be two entirely different stories. READ MORE

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When December arrives, you might feel like it’s time to slip into your holiday role. You cook, host parties, wrap gifts, and plan everything start to finish.READ MORE

It might be surprising to learn that each of us has four distinct “characters” living in our brain. Each one experiences life through a particular lens and brings a unique perspective to situations we encounter.READ MORE

Navigating the holidays can be a challenge. And while you may be able to avoid those “certain people” throughout the year, the holidays don’t always give you that opportunity.
However, when you learn the skill of coping ahead, you can feel confident about your plan to handle holiday emotions so you feel less overwhelmed and more in control.READ MORE

Having the perfect plan can feel like a safety net. You just know it’s going to  set you up for smooth sailing, so you feel fully in control…until you don’t. 
In fact, overplanning can backfire…and when it does you’re left with even more things to do, which causes unnecessary stress.READ MORE

If you’ve ever felt like you’re at war with your body, you’re not alone. In fact, 97% of women report that they think intensely negative thoughts about their bodies every single day. We actually bond over this common misery. READ MORE

Sometimes we pride ourselves on ‘caring too much.’ But making a decision can feel practically impossible when you are trying to keep everyone else happy. 
And if you’re always yearning for approval, you’ll find it harder to make the right decisions for yourself.READ MORE

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