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In today’s episode, Joe will be diving into the fascinating world of energy. Often overlooked but essential to our daily lives, energy plays a critical role in powering our society and economy.
Today, Joe is joined by special guest Brad Morrill, Chief Customer Experience Officer at Crystal Flash.…


In this episode, join us as we explore the pressing issue of succession planning and its far-reaching impact on companies of all sizes. From struggling through the complexities of leadership transitions to overcoming barriers and pitfalls, Joe brings you the expert advice and strategies you need to succeed.…


Navigating big business choices is like playing a grand game of chess. Every move affects your company, customers, and stakeholders.
But… have you noticed that shadow lurking on the board?
It’s the ‘Hidden Tax’ of decision-making…
Imagine this: You decide to expand your product line in market A, but by doing so, you unintentionally cut off access to the more profitable market B, resulting in a potential loss of millions in revenue.…


Most leaders don’t do well with M&A integrations.
They get so caught up in trying to finish tasks that they forget about the bigger picture. This can lead to losing the trust of external stakeholders, customers and suppliers.…


Jumping into new markets is quite difficult…
It’s like walking in a dark, abandoned cave, not knowing what scary thing will pop up next.
So it’s crucial that you have someone that can guide you through the unknown path… Someone that knows the ins and outs of the market.…


As a leader, you must make decisions. The problem is you need to make the decisions before you have all the necessary information.
Delaying your decision makes your team question your leadership skills.…


Agribusiness was about being the best supplier of calories in the past.
But with the global supply of food getting much more competitive, you either have to enter a price war or distinguish your offer to cater to different types of consumers.…


The difference between a successful M&A that excites your team, grows your revenue, and creates a better experience for your customers… And a failed one where you invest tons of capital and time and energy for nothing comes down to asking 3 simple questions.…


No plan survives first contact with the enemy.
While this saying has its roots in the military, it applies perfectly to your business.
As a business leader, you may be well prepared if a plan doesn’t work, and have alternative ideas you can implement.…


The most popular definition of leadership alignment is a fine line between productive dissent and aiding your team to operate as a group.
But like it is with most “soft” skills, no one will come to you and brief you on the state of your leadership alignment, and whether you need to change something.…


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