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Show highlights include:  

How to have more faith in God’s game plan (even when it’s uncomfortable and difficult). (2:38)
Why the most authentic experiences come from making the “Slim Shady” mistake.READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

How to feel like a walking miracle in the world (when you’ve forgotten your gifts and talents). (3:56)
Using the Book of Jeremiah to know your value and follow your own path.READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

How to avoid living like a Spiritual Hoarder and clear the space for more peace today. (1:46)
The Philippians way that lets you releasve anger and heal from broken promises.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

How to align with your divine purpose by treating your faith like your house. (1:36)
The Book of Hebrews way to work through impossible tasks (when you feel too tired to continue) (2:48)
How to set a divine life in motion through your talents and gifts.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

How to avoid ruining the true thrill of the holidays with Amazon lists and tempting gifts. (1:36)
Why Hebrews 10:36 keeps you from unwrapping God’s gifts too early (and throwing life into confusion).… READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

How to transform Christmas catalogs and wishlists into true holiday spirit today. (1:42)
The Colossians Way for your holiday to remain rooted in Christ. (4:27)
Why living a vibrant and divine life starts with acting like a Christmas tree.READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

Using the book of Matthew to transform your busy holiday plans into moments of peace. (1:57)
How to treat the ‘busy bee’ addiction and become a more stable and present person today.READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

How to find your true divine purpose through the eyes of the Kentucky Homes kids. (2:51)
Why out-of-control haircuts make your kids more driven, responsible, and self-directed.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

The “Anxious Women’s Guide” that lets you feel called, seen, and loved by the Lord (even when you feel like spiraling inward). (2:10)
How to get wisdom straight from God with the Three Voice technique.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

The Newt Gingrich way to keep moving towards success (even after you feel defeated). (2:47)
How to avoid self-sabotage with these 3 ‘Forward Thinking’ steps. (4:25)
How to get rid of the fear of the unknown and find new opportunities in your everyday life.… READ MORE

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