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In this episode, you’ll learn…

Why failing is the best way to succeed (3:04)
How to build an inseparable bond with your kids — no matter how bad you’ve screwed up (11:59)
The trick to stop your children from going down a path to destruction (12:35)
How you’re accidentally riddling your body with anxiety and worry (18:17)
How arrogance can be a leader’s your secret weapon (31:18)

To connect with Jerry Beerman and learn how he can help you grow your faith as well as be intentional with your employees, email him at jerry.beerman@alluringglass.com. … READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How your fear ravages your home life and cripple your relationships (4:23)
Simple ways to refocus and recharge without neglecting your work or family (9:37)
The single biggest mistake fathers make when connecting with their kids (10:32)
Creating an indestructible relationship with your kids in 5 minutes or less (13:22)
The absolute best way to spend time with your kids and set them for success at the same time (16:55)
Why celebrating your biggest wins is a surefire way to be disappointed (21:17)
The counterintuitive reason success becomes less fulfilling as you become more successful (22:35)
The case for celebrating crises (33:15)

To connect with Ben Beshear and learn how he can provide clarity to your financial future, head over to http://www.livewellcapital.com/.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to stop yourself from making bad choices — especially ones that seem innocent (7:43)
How your own thoughts sabotage and consume your life if left unchecked (10:34)
Why being overly focused on one problem causes more dangerous problems to happen (14:39)
The real reason Joe Exotic wrecked his life (16:03)
3 ways to prevent yourself from falling back into your worst habits (19:03)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The faulty view of wealth that’s stopping you from becoming filthy rich (2:24)
How to make $17,000 profit in your side business in 3 weeks or less (4:08)
How your beliefs attract debt and bankruptcy without you realizing it (6:11)
The only way you can truly fail is by making this fatal mistake (7:42)
How to “rewire” your brain to invite opportunities and fortune into your life (11:08)
The trick to overcome a loss of 40% or more of your income without missing a beat (14:16)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The 3 biggest reasons you get stuck in a rut and rob yourself from better opportunities (1:48)
The single most important trait all the best leaders have in common (3:00)
How to leverage Parkinson’s Law to get the same amount of work done in less time (8:54)
This deadly “D-word” is the reason you never implement anything you learn (12:12)
How corporate America dwarfs your leadership skills (14:14)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to maximize the return-on-investment on yourself (2:08)
Why wearing your busyness like a badge of honor is a recipe for disaster (2:20)
The 3-letter word that will create more chaos and distractions in your life than any other word in the English language (3:04)
The case for being grateful for the quarantine (6:04)
Why doubling down on your momentum backfires and causes burn out, exhaustion, and poor decisions (9:14)
Why you should never listen to another podcast again (12:03)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The 3 biggest mistakes you’re making in your relationships that’s depriving you of living life to the fullest (1:28)
Here’s exactly what you have to do to improve your marriage (4:31)
Jesus’s greatest miracle that nobody ever talks about (6:07)
How high-quality friendships help you avoid making humiliating mistakes (8:34)
The trick for living a life of massive growth and achievement (12:21)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

What Jesus taught about the right way to spend time with God (1:45)
No matter how much you seem to be winning, you must still do this one thing, or it will all come crashing down around you (2:19)
Why the devil loves for you to be busy and successful (2:30)
Why looking like a psychopath to others is the path to a more fulfilling life (7:02)
How stillness can make you more effective at work, regardless of what you believe (10:53)
The #1 thing that you’re getting wrong when you pray, and how to fix it (12:37)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

Why setting your priorities based on these faulty values could destroy your home life (2:30)
What your car has to teach you about the way you manage your time (5:35)
The ugly truth about why you haven’t reached your full potential (6:37)
What Jesus taught about handling the resources you’ve been given (8:05)
The “Five Capitals” framework for getting your life back on track (10:40)
How reversing the world’s priorities can make you happier and more successful (15:02)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The single most important thing you can do today to protect yourself from failure (2:04)
How to stop yourself from withering away into a meaningless existence (5:19)
The trick for exterminating burnout before it can creep in (6:39)
The cold, hard truth about why your employees and children haven’t bought into you (10:58)
The “5 P’s” that instantly help you reach your full potential (13:58)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

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