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“If you put something on a to-do list and you’re not willing to put it into your calendar and saying, “This is when I commit to doing it,” you’re not going to do it.” – Darin Persinger

Main Topic:

In today’s podcast, we’ll be talking about one of my favorite topics: core values!


I read an interesting and somewhat disturbing survey the other day.
It showed that 35% of Americanshave thought about packing up and moving overseas.
Not travel for recreation.They want to get their body and their moneyoutta here ASAP because they believethe U.S.is going to hell in a hand basket.… READ MORE

Running a creative business is never easy, especially in the jewelry industry. It can be hard to balance designing and creativity with the brass tax of running a business.
This is precisely the reason I wanted to chat with Ashley Longshore.… READ MORE

“Stop working on all of those things at the same time. Focus on getting one done and getting it implemented and then move onto the next one.” – Darin Persinger

Main Topic:
1. The 80/20 Rule Rules Everything

This quote from Patricia Fipp is one of Robin’s favorites. Sales are exciting, but Robin’s true passion is building relationships, and here at Flourish & Thrive we believe it’s relationships that will make all the difference in your business.… READ MORE

You can make your business life about as hard as possible… or as easy as possible.
One of the keys to making it as easy as possible, yet still making a ton of money, is to sell to the right people.
Sadly, most entrepreneurs I know take the exact opposite approach.… READ MORE

I love this wisdom from one of my mentors, Marie Forleo. I remember her telling me this before I had ever clearly identified my DREAM client. I didn’t realize what I was missing until I put in the effort and got really clear.… READ MORE

“Are you more passionate about the way that it’s done, the way that you’re doing it, or are you more passionate about the results and the outcome?” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
An Intelligence Group survey found 64% of Millennials would rather make $40,000 per year at a job they love than $100,000 a year at a job they think is boring.… READ MORE

A lot of us jewelry designers are pure creatives. We are focused entirely on our art and our passion — often completely neglecting the left brain side of things.
Unfortunately, there is so much more to running a successful business beyond creative a job for yourself and your creativity.… READ MORE

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