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“When things spiral a little bit out of control I think it’s easy to get wildly out of control with our emotions.” – Darin Persinger… READ MORE

“You can go deeper with those relationships and sometimes that’s where the gold is, when you go deep enough, right? Instead of just sifting on the surface for the gold…” – Darin Persinger… READ MORE

It amazes me…
…how little people understand money. It’s rather simple and you really don’t have to study the stock market or have a degree in finance to get this stuff.
In this episode of the Don’t Be Stupid Show…
We take a ride in Jim’s Time Machine to explain my own wiiiild (but kinda clever) theory about money.… READ MORE

“So I think you need physical resilience, you need mental resilience, and you need emotional resilience.” – Darin Persinger… READ MORE

“The best type of help that you could get for yourself is probably just go help someone else.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-113_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
11 billion spent on self help products in 2008
Main Topic:
Rich Habits 3: Daily self improvement
Book excerpt: Successful people read for self-improvement.… READ MORE

This week’s episode of the Don’t Be Stupid Show—we’re out of New & Noteworthy, so we thought we’d get controversial and talk about…DUM DUM…
Does religion have a place in business?… READ MORE

“If you’re letting other people tell you what problems need to be solved, then you’re just stuck where you’re at. You’re a problem solve. You’re putting out the same fires instead of starting to prevent the fires.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-112_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
42% more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down – Dr.… READ MORE

“I think it’s more important to do small things every day than to do one big thing and then not do it again for another month.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-111_transcript

Numbers never Lie:
254 days it could take up to 254 days to form some habits – from university college London
Main Topic:
Rich Habits 1: Forming good daily habits
Book excerpt: Good daily habits are the foundation of success.… READ MORE

I’ve met many marketers who think they’re gonna do a bit of “free traffic” until they make some money…
THEN they will start paid advertising.
Problem is they never make any money, and consequently, they also never start any kind of paid traffic.… READ MORE

“There’s no such thing as procrastination. That’s the idea of putting things off. You are actually not putting things off; you are choosing to do something else with that time.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-110_transcript

In today’s show you’re going to find out how to stop procrastinating once and for all.… READ MORE

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