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“We’re getting too focused on the idea of a relationship, of like a one-to-one relationship versus building assets that can create that trust.” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
The average cost for a pet in the first year is $7,700 – $9,000.… READ MORE

It’s that time again.
What time?
Podcast time.
Episode 11 of “Off The Chain” is ready and waiting for you here:
Here are a few of the things I’m exposing that many people in our little world would prefer I NOT disclose…

The tale of the frog and owl… and how listening to the owls (there are GAGGLES of them online) is a one way ticket to bankruptcy.READ MORE

“Where are the content blitzes? I know we have call blitzes. Brokerages bring all the agents in, buy them pizza, and say, “Okay. Let’s call and interrupt and annoy as many people in town at once as we can.”” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
The survey shows that 59% of senior executives agree that if both text and video are available on the same topic on the same page, they prefer to watch the video.… READ MORE

Episode 10 of my contentious, controversial and cocky “Off The Chain” podcastis anxiously awaiting to tantalize your auditory orifices here:
Below are just a few of the nuggets of entrepreneurial wisdom you’ll hear spew forth in rapid fire succession from my cheeky pie hole…

One of my most profitable copywriting secrets… one I see ignored by a LOT of copywriters.READ MORE

“If you were able to start converting that middle 60% instead of just confirming with the people who are already ready to go.” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
Main Topic:
Converting or Confirming
Three tips:
Know your numbers

Buyers leads conversion
Seller lead conversion
Referral rate

Episode 9 of “Off The Chain” is now available for your listening pleasure.
Here are just a few things you’ll discover…

The secret behind the MASSIVE success of the Beat Buddy.READ MORE

“What they’re saying is consumers rely on word of mouth two times to ten times more than paid media.” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
CONSUMERS RELY ON W.O.M. 2x to 10x MORE THAN PAID MEDIA: “The results of a 2013 BCG survey of more than 32,000 consumers in Europe and the U.S.… READ MORE

We just uploaded episode 8 of my “Off The Chain” podcast on that iTunes doohickey.
Here are a few things I’m babbling about…

How I became a “direct marketing legend.” (It’s probably not what you’re thinking.)
Details about my 9 years as a part-time entrepreneur and full time cop.… READ MORE

“When I sit down to think about my target audience, I’m looking at them on the spectrum level now and go: Are they sitting in avoidance or are they sitting in obsession?” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
82% Need that copy you’re reading <<<<< It’s in the book Accelerate the Sale
Main Topic:
Avoidance vs Obsession Spectrum

3 Questions to ask yourself::

There are a few people whose message resonates so strongly with me that I buy EVERY single product they produce.
There’s this one guy who resonates sooooo strongly with methat I’ve accidentally bought several of his products twice (one three times) simply because I didn’t read the copy and didn’t realize I’d already bought it.… READ MORE

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