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As a jewelry entrepreneur, what do you do when facing a “must do” task that you REALLY don’t want to do.
Or if you have employees, how do you motivate them to tackle the task that no one wants to own?… READ MORE



In a rush? The Highlights From Today’s Show
1. How Kevin got involved with the ASK method launch (2:30 mark)
2. Why copy is the missing element (4:40 mark)
3. Three reasons Kevin was blown away by the ASK formula (7:25 mark)

Hello again…..
I say we must stop meeting like this old chum(say that out loud with a semi-pretentious British accent)
I trust you have had a GREAT week
What that you want to know about my week?
Well it would be RUDE not to tell you seeing how you asked so nicely….… READ MORE

In 1790, the French “gummit” was running a little short on cash.
So they needed to find a new way to finance all the spending they wanted to do.
But they didn’t want to raise taxes because experience showed that would probably cause an armed rebellion.… READ MORE


Either you have it or you don’t…
…it’s not one of those things that you can fake.
In business, confidence is the key to skyrocketing sales.
If you believe in yourself and in your brand then other people will naturally begin to follow suit.… READ MORE


In today’s show, Kyle Newell stands up and gets ready for battle with a force that stands in everyone’s way to greatness. No matter who you are, you will face this at some point but its knowing what to do when it makes its appearance that is key to your success.… READ MORE

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