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Why Being Unapologetically You is The Best Thing to Do.
We’re living in a digital era full of proclaimed gurus, ‘thought leaders’ and innovators. We are always looking for the next Steve Jobs or Gary Vaynerchuk.READ MORE

With practically zero experience… you get a gig with one of the biggest direct response
marketers in the world…
Then you have to be their “go to” person for traffic generation via multichannel (online
and offline) marketing.… READ MORE

The so called ‘haters’ who want to tear us down, disrupt our reputation, sabotage our plans and kill our dreams. Hate in any form can be toxic to our mind, body and souls.
In today’s mini Traffic and Funnels ™ episode, Chris and Taylor share with you how to handle your haters.READ MORE

Head to Head, toe to toe, dollar for dollar which one’s more profitable?
Email and Facebook are like apples and oranges.
Both are fruit, but hard to compare.
In today’s episode I answer this question once and for all.… READ MORE

With so many choices at your fingertips, picking out a kitchen counter is no easy task.
What’s more… whatever you pick as your countertop, it ends up influencing the whole kitchen palette.
That’s why it is very important to pick something that not only looks good to you… but something that’s also durable, with a price tag that fits your budget.READ MORE

Many small business owners today dream of hitting the elusive 7 figure mark. That means you need to generate an average of $20k per week in sales. Some businesses take many years to reach this goal because they don’t have the foundations in place to scale quickly and effectively.READ MORE

What’s the secret to having superhero-like healing abilities? The human strength expert Kyle Newell has been working out at home. The past few days, he can’t completely bend his right leg and lock it out.READ MORE

Do you have a mentor? On today’s episode, James Newberry discusses the Importance of Mentors and Lists with Glenn Grigsby. Mentors guide people to doing the right things. For this, James and Glenn recalls the mentors they’ve had in life.READ MORE

Think you can’t sell your OOAK designs to retail stores ?
That making one off pieces is only good for in person events or online sales?
Think again!
In this ever changing economy, store owners have changed their tune and more than ever want One of a Kind jewelry for their stores.… READ MORE

If you’re struggling to close prospects who show interest in your business opportunity, pay close attention to this episode.
There’s one tactic I always use no matter what I’m marketing that gets me more sales, more customers and more good will than any other marketing tactic I’ve ever tried.… READ MORE

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