Whether its a presentation for work or sharing an idea with your book club, public speaking is the number one fear among women, even though we face it on a regular basis.
For most of us, we prepare to speak, and the nerves kick in.… READ MORE
Have you ever had a day that didn’t go as expected? Maybe you thought it would be sunny and planned a day outdoors, but then it rained. Or maybe there was more traffic than you anticipated, and you were late to work.… READ MORE
Let’s face it, you take care of all of the things. Between work, kids, parents, partners, relationships, and constantly competing schedules, it can wear anyone out.
So before anything else, you need to make sure you are feeling well, energized, and able to tackle the stuff that is coming at you in your day.… READ MORE
We all want our kids to grow up with a passion for learning, while recognizing the value of challenging themselves and the importance of effort. These characteristics are a hallmark of a growth mindset.… READ MORE
We all know comparing ourselves to others isn’t helpful and only makes us feel worse. Yet it can seem impossible to feel good about ourselves when others’ lives look so much better.
In this episode, you’ll discover how to escape the comparison trap in order to feel better about yourself, celebrate your achievements and have a more positive outlook on your own life!… READ MORE
You’ve heard it from a lot of successful people: Serve your purpose, live your passion.
But most of us have regular jobs and financial obligations that don’t give us the luxury of this type of thinking.… READ MORE
Meal planning is one of the biggest struggles for working moms. It can feel impossible to find healthy recipes the whole family will like and that are prepared quickly. Oh, and you have to make sure the kids don’t get bored of the same food.… READ MORE
For our kids, we constantly celebrate milestones. Whether it’s their first day of school, a religious celebration or just their birthday, we’re great at turning milestones into memorable moments.… READ MORE
You may have heard tips from the world’s most successful people on how to get better results out of yourself. And maybe you’ve tried some of them – from meditation, getting up before sunrise or completely transforming your diet.… READ MORE
The way we feel about ourselves impacts everything – from our work to the way we treat our loved ones, and even to how much we can get done in a day.
But is there a way to overcome negative feelings? Or are we just out of luck on the days we wake up not feeling our best?… READ MORE