“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

Highlights from this episode include:

Ask yourself this question BEFORE you discount (5:47)
This issue may be more important to your customer than price (6:28)
If you can show your clients this one thing, they won’t care about price anymore (6:54)
Discount or not, you can only sell to these specific customers (7:07)
When your potential clients start talking about this… it’s time to sell (7:51)

Highlights from this episode include:

Why your copy repels buyers like a mall kiosk salesperson (3:52)
Making this mistake with your offer is destroying your sales (4:42)
Writing from this perspective is the key to generating unlimited sales from your copy (5:28)
Why whispering beats yelling and how this guides your writing (8:24)
Defeat your prospect’s hardwired sales resistance when you do this in your copy (9:21)
The CTA mistakes you’re making that are ruining your entire sales process (13:20)

Highlights from this episode include:

The secret to asking questions that won’t set off your prospect’s sales radar (2:27)
Why asking deep questions can kill a sale (5:09)
Knowledge is not enough, you also need to add this to your small talk (6:24)
Never do this when making small talk, or your prospect will hate you (8:36)
Avoid attempting small talk if people don’t meet these 3 criteria (11:07)
Use this small talk acronym to avoid embarrassing errors (12:09)
This faulty view of small talk is costing you sales (12:33)

Highlights from this episode include:

The 9-word email that turns a dead list back into a cash-generating machine (1:23)
The simple way you can pitch in every email, even if you hate selling (2:38)
Statistically, this is how frequently you should be sending emails (6:54)
Surprisingly profitable topics that anyone can send to their list (9:16)
Successful email marketers approach every day with this specific mindset (9:58)
A strategy that makes email lucrative no matter what type of business you have (14:30)
The counterintuitive method for building a higher quality email list (25:29)

Highlights from this episode include:

How to avoid settling for soul-crushing “red-flag” clients when you first start selling (2:18)
Not understanding this crucial aspect of your offer will cause you to fail before you ever meet your first client (6:32)
Get this one thing wrong, and your relationship with your clients will be a source of constant misery (10:34)
This is a huge warning sign that you’re about to work with the wrong client (15:08)
How you fall into a desperation mindset, and how to fix it (17:01)
This simple mindset shift can turn you into a super-salesperson (18:02)
Approach your service like this to turn one-time sales into secure, recurring revenue (23:20)

Highlights from this episode include:

The main reason that trying to talk your way into a sale guarantees your failure (2:11)
Not a smooth-talking salesperson? Doing these 2 things will help you make more sales anyway!… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

This master sales mindset leads to results that you will no longer have to be ashamed of (2:29)
The surprising thing that the best salespeople and top comedians have in common, and how you can harness it to save your business (7:18)
The sales process boils down to this one simple concept, stop overcomplicating it and start making more money (7:52)
The 2 critical ideas your customers must be sold on in order to open their wallets (9:20)
Command authority and the respect of your customers easily with this one step (get this right and you’ll no longer need to beg for sales) (10:45)
Why you should put yourself in your customer’s future so they no longer see you as a parasite, but a partner (13:15)

Highlights from this episode include:

How to stop chasing random opportunities just to get paid (2:32)
The Robert Greene secret to closing more sales (not doing this is costing you clients) (3:12)
The completely ethical trick that makes clients convince themselves to hire you (4:56)
The 2 crucial questions you must answer to turn your prospects into clients (9:08)
The counterintuitive X-factor that strengthens both business and marriage relationships (10:40)

Highlights from this episode include:

The simple secret to becoming well-known in any community (1:11)
How to easily begin the sales process… even if you HATE selling (2:44)
Exactly what to do when you first encounter a potential prospect (5:20)
Unsure exactly what to say to your ideal client?… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Why a giant email list may not be a magic bullet for your business, and what you should try instead (3:07)
Struggling to describe what you do? Here’s an easy way to find the right words (4:17)
How to reach your ideal client without jumping through Google’s endless hoops (5:58)
The wallet-flattening mistake you’re making that puts unnecessary barriers in front of your ideal clients (6:35)
The simple way to find clients that works, even for introverts (7:29)

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