“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

It’s your moral duty to your fellow human beings to share your gifts with them. As a financial advisor, this means providing them with your gift of financial advice. And that means you have to sell your services often.… READ MORE

When you study copywriting, most books will teach you how to write formulaic copy. Now, formulaic copy isn’t bad… but is it the best?
No, it’s not the best because in order to write the best copy, you need to deeply understand your market.… READ MORE

I was crunching numbers for my Inner Circle Newsletter for financial advisors and realized something powerful:
Only 0.4% of financial advisors cancel their subscription every month. Despite charging $99 per month, that’s lower than the churn rate of most software companies and streaming services.… READ MORE

The idea of buying a list seduces many financial advisors. In the past week alone, 9 financial advisors told me they were buying leads.
And I get it: Outsourcing your lead generation to a third-party company is appealing.… READ MORE

Hiring a freelancer can give you a higher return on investment than even the best stocks. But it can also be an endless money pit, that gives you nothing in return.
The difference between the two?
Well, it all comes down to the freelancer you pick to hire.… READ MORE

Mark Hansen, today’s podcast guest, is a brand-new financial advisor. Just 6 months ago, he was in a completely different industry and field.
But he’s been able to accomplish more for his financial advising business in 6 months than most advisors do in 6 years.… READ MORE

Back in 1925, Bruce Barton wrote a sales letter that got a 100% success rate. Yes, you read that right:
Every single person he sent this letter to took action. Better yet, each person who received this letter paid $1,000—which translates to $17,000 adjusted for inflation.… READ MORE

We’re officially in the future. Certain marketing mediums let you bypass space and time itself, grant you celebrity status to your ideal audience, and add an extra zero to your bank account faster than ever before.… READ MORE

If you’re creating content, but aren’t treating your content like any other asset… I guarantee you’re working too hard for not enough money.
Because every piece of content you create—whether emails, webinars, podcasts, interviews, LinkedIn posts, anything—is an asset that can turn strangers into clients.… READ MORE

There’s no shortage of marketing “experts” who are confident they know what they’re talking about.
But the trouble is, many only really know enough to be dangerous. They might know what worked for them, or worked for a few, but not know why it worked.… READ MORE

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