“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

There are three kinds of people in this world:
People that watch things happen
People that make things happen
People that wonder, “What happened?”
If you’ve been watching my work and wondering how I keep getting shows to the top of the charts on iTunes, you’re in luck my friend.… READ MORE

When I asked people what their big takeaway was from my talk, I kept hearing the same thing over and over again.
“I never thought of that”
“It’s so simple and so obvious I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself”
“I’m going to do this right now”
And on and on they went about the first tip I dropped in my talk to the folks of The Podcast Discovery Center.… READ MORE

Where were we?
Last week I told you about some of the biggest lies in podcasting today. First was the lie that you have to launch with a ton of shows, then there was the other one about having to do five shows per week to get top rankings.… READ MORE

It’s Sunday and you know what time it is – it’s time to get the best of the week from The Podcast Factory.
But before we jump into that I want to tell you a little story…
Three month’s ago I had a chat with one of my mentors who helped me get my real estate business in the best place it has ever been.… READ MORE

In this week’s video you’ll find out which podcast downloader I recommend.
If you’re on apple, android, or using your computer, I’ve got you covered with the best podcast downloader for your device.
Click here to watch the video

Producer Jonathan
PS – Remember to subscribe to my channel so you get new video tips like this one before anyone else… READ MORE

Why don’t we pick up where we left off?
In yesterday’s story I crushed the lie we’ve all heard that you need to launch with a ton of shows if you want to get top ranking in iTunes.
Today I’m going to crush another lie that is plaguing the air waves and filling up iTunes with a bunch of worthless audio no one wants to listen to.… READ MORE

I’m feeling froggy today so I decided to crush some lies you’ve been hearing about iTunes.
First up is the “Launch with ___ shows” lie.
You can fill in the blank with anything from 3 to 18 shows – I’ve heard them all and I’m sure you have to.… READ MORE

Here’s the deal,
My friend Scott from the Podcast Discovery Center twisted my arm to share some of my secrets on how to make dough with your podcast show.
Normally I wouldn’t share this kind of stuff, but since he’s a good friend and his crew at The Podcast Discovery Center are keen to learn more on this topic I’ve decided to host a live call in show with him discussing this topic.… READ MORE

Isn’t it funny the crazy theories people come up with when they don’t know WTF they’re doing?
I want to share one of those theories I had when I first started hacking iTunes in 2013.
It was called the “iTunes traffic match.”
And basically I had this crazy idea that iTunes would match the traffic you sent to it on the first day your show went live.… READ MORE

I say it all the time and I’ll say it again so you know I;m serious about this.
A podcast isn’t a business. A podcast is an extension of a business that’s already bringing in dough.
Now that we got that out of the way, I want to let you know that I’ve teamed up with one of my buddies to bring you an interesting live discussion this Thursday.… READ MORE

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