“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

Did I ever tell you how I escaped the “job life/”
I was working as an electrician for seven years and I couldn’t stand it. Working in the hot Florida sun from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm wasn’t fun.… READ MORE

No time to dilly dally today.
I’m heading back home after a few days in Atlanta for my quarterly Strategic Coach meeting.
My head is spinning with ideas and I have a lot of work to do in the next 90 days.
I’ll tell you more in future emails.… READ MORE

Check it,
After talking to a guy that’s absolutely crushing it with his new podcast I decided to try something different.
It hadn’t occurred to me before, but when he explained it to me I knew I had to take it for a test drive myself.… READ MORE

One of the biggest gripes I get from people all across the world is…
“I tried _____ and it’s not working.”
You can fill in the blank with anything you can think of.
For instance:
I tried ‘pay per clicks’ and it’s not working
I tried ‘my website’ and it’s not working

I tried ‘podcasting’ and it’s not working.… READ MORE

A pissed off subscriber wrote to us about our recent changes to the Ben Settle Show.

It was so darn good I couldn’t bare to edit it, so Im giving it to you raw with my responses in BOLD


Not that I wouldn’t consider signing up, but probably a HUGE mistake for you, Im really surprised Johnathon would support you on this, he should know better, he is a content publisher (isn’t he?… READ MORE

I managed to pull this podcasting masterclass out of the vault to share with you.
Here’s some of the interesting stuff you’ll find out:
* SEO hacks for ranking way higher than your competitors.
* A secret way to get iTunes to send you a crap load of traffic.… READ MORE

When I lived in Maryland I had this buddy named Harry. He had this ongoing joke whenever he didi you a favor he would ask, “How you gonna work it off?”

And it reminds me of people starting podcasts today.… READ MORE

In 2007 Tim Ferriss’ hit book, The Four Hour Work Week came out.

Ever since then people have been consumed with the idea of only working four hours perweek.

But if you’ve read the book, then you know that he doesn’t actually work four hours per week.… READ MORE

Here’s Johhny!
My second podcast show was under way, and a half hour show was taking me over three hours to produce.
I was getting burnt out when I pulled some inspiration from Tim Ferriss and The Four Hour Workweek.… READ MORE

Yesterday I told you how my first podcast was a complete bust.
I had lots of cool interviews and made some good connections, but I never made any scratch.
But I couldn’t walk away just yet. I was in love with the idea of podcasting and I knew if I got it right it would be fun and profitable.… READ MORE

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