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I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.
If you've been following me for any length of time you'll know what a big fan I am of Ben Settle, Doberman Dan, and Sean D'Souza.
These guys are some of the highest level authorities you can find who are still down to earth.… READ MORE

In 1961 President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech that would be remembered for the ages. 
It was during his Inaugural Address he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
And today friends, I want tell you…
Ask not what the Podcast Launch Coach will do for you – ask what you can do with the Podcast Launch Coach.… READ MORE

This is a quick note to let you know that tomorrow is the last day you can get into my Podcast Launch Coach program.
If you're tired of being a nobody and having to beg for attention, if you're tired of charging the same low prices, if you don't want to negotiate on your fees and you want to charge a premium – the answer is to become an authority.… READ MORE

Worried that your show might not be interesting?
People might not listen?
or you might be boring?
Find out what makes a good podcast in this video.

Producer Jonathan

The laughs and the talking were getting obnoxious, that's when we decided to leave.
About that time cupcake looked up at me and said, "I can't believe how much we got done in that little bit of time."
Last month my little Cupcake joined the team here at The Podcast Factory full time.… READ MORE

We've been rapping a lot about mentors lately.
I want to share a story of how 30 minutes with one of my mentors opened my eyes to the biggest opportunity I have been missing out on all year.
I met this guy through a friend I trust and respect.… READ MORE

True Story:
Not too long ago I fell for a pitch from a guy I believed to be "the real deal"
It looked liked he had a great business and a great family and plenty of time and dough.
On the outside he appeared to have everything I wanted.… READ MORE

In the studio today I heard something interesting from a woman who was being interviewed on Copy Chief Radio.
Here's what she said to Kevin, "When I first got into the business I was too proud to get a mentor and it sounded really hard.… READ MORE

This year has been pretty awesome.
I give a lot of credit to my man Dan Sullivan and his people at Strategic Coach.
It was a big investment to join, they made me jump through some hoops to apply, and I have to travel 4 times per year to attend my quarterly workshops.… READ MORE

One of the hardest parts of getting my online business going was knowing what to do next.
There are so many different directions you can go, and if you're not careful you can get off track in a hurry.… READ MORE

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