“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

If you’ve ever felt


Then I’ve got something for you.
It’s a weird cure I learned from an eighty year old man who has spent the last 35 years helping thousands of entrepreneurs (like you and me) create self managing companies without compromising time with their family or getting burnt out.… READ MORE

Back in the day before I was a podcasting super hero,
I used to follow the GuRoob hype machine.
They told me I needed a blog.
I got me a WordPress.
They told me I needed to be on the social medias.
I setup my profiles.… READ MORE

Damaging admission time…
Way back in 2011 I was a struggling “internet marketer.”
I was lucky to bring in a thousand bucks per month.
Most months I didn’t make a penny.
Cupcake was worried.… READ MORE

Funny thing.
You’d think writing you (almost) every day like I do.
I’d run out of things to say.
But you know what?
I feel like I don’t have a chance to tell you everything you need to know.
Like today for instance.… READ MORE

“I’m never doing this again.”
If I had a nickel for every time I heard this from one of our hosts I’d be swimming in a vault full of nickels like Scrooge McDuck.
If you’ve never done a podcast, then you won’t get it.… READ MORE

“I’m never doing this again!”
That’s what Justin Wise of the marketing agency Think Digital, and host of the Think Digital
podcast, said recalling how he felt after ending his previous podcast – one he’d concepted and
produced on his own.… READ MORE

Want to know what scares the bejesus out of me?
Putting off the important things in life.
Like being with family.
Having precious time with my wife and kid.
.:: Creating memories ::.
You’re not gonna live forever.… READ MORE

I didn’t know what he meant at the time.
But now that we’re investing several G’s per month in ads I see the light.
A while back my buddy Ben was running Facebook ads.
He told me whenever he runs ads to cold traffic he has to write a good “repulsion style” email to kick the slackers to the curb.… READ MORE

Check it…
If you want to know how you can:
* Be broke
* Have an unhappy wife
* Raise your kids poorly
* and totally #fail your family
Then you’re in the wrong place…
Why? Because in this interview with Greg Smith (from the Rise Above Podcast) he’ll who you how he works less, makes more, and has a happy family using a simple 3 word formula that kills procrastination dead in it’s tracks.… READ MORE

Got a snarky little response to yesterday’s eMail.
Here’s what the fellow wrote:
“Maybe hire a proofreader for your emails? ;)”
“Maybe it’s BECUASE I have some of the best clients in the world?”
Maybe he’s another broke musician applying for a job?… READ MORE

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