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The pandemic reshaped a lot of people’s retirement plans. Some anticipate a lower standard of living in retirement. Others have become more risk averse in the market. And 62% of retirees and near-retirees have cut spending to have a larger nest egg. READ MORE

The pandemic reshaped a lot of people’s retirement plans. Some anticipate a lower standard of living in retirement. Others have become more risk averse in the market. And 62% of retirees and near-retirees have cut spending to have a larger nest egg. READ MORE

Nobody likes paying taxes. So there’s a lot of hoopla about Biden’s new proposed tax code. 
But are we paying more taxes than people 50 years ago? 
When you dive deeper into it, we’re at the same tax rates as we were a long time ago.READ MORE

When you’re searching for a financial advisor, there are several questions you want to ask to make sure they’re the best fit for you. 
Because handing your hard-earned money over to someone else is an important decision.READ MORE

You can research all of the ‘right’ questions for finding the perfect financial advisor…But you may not know what to do with the answers.
And if you don’t know what to do with the answers, how will you know if it helps your plan?… READ MORE

There are 7 common money lies we tell ourselves that drain your wallet, delay your retirement, and place unnecessary stress on your shoulders. Even financial advisors believe some of these money lies. READ MORE

Everyone believes certain lies about money. But there are 7 that run rampant through society. 
While some of these lies might seem obvious and benign, they can cripple your retirement portfolio, financial freedom, and add more stress to your shoulders. READ MORE

We all have both an emotional and rational mind. Which one should you trust when it comes to making smart financial decisions? 
You can make a case for relying on either your emotional and rational mind.READ MORE

One of the most common questions I get from my clients is whether they should buy or lease a car. And it makes sense — after buying your house, your car is one of your biggest monthly expenses.  
So should you buy or lease a car? READ MORE

Almost every month, a client asks me whether they should buy or lease their car. Since your car is your second or third biggest expense, I figured we’d discuss the pros and cons of buying vs leasing. 
Should you buy or lease your car? READ MORE

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