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Curious, have you ever heard about how Robin & I met?
Well, you might have heard this story before but we met at a trade show in 2006 called the ENK Accessories Circuit Show.
You could even say that Flourish & Thrive Academy was born at a Trade Show.… READ MORE

Do one thing every day that scares you EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
That was a big lesson learned from my sister.
When she worked for me back in the TMD, Inc. days, she had screensaver that taunted her to do just that.… READ MORE

As a jewelry entrepreneur, what do you do when facing a “must do” task that you REALLY don’t want to do.
Or if you have employees, how do you motivate them to tackle the task that no one wants to own?… READ MORE

Either you have it or you don’t…
…it’s not one of those things that you can fake.
In business, confidence is the key to skyrocketing sales.
If you believe in yourself and in your brand then other people will naturally begin to follow suit.… READ MORE

Before we get started today, find your pulse.
Really, do it…feel it beat for a few seconds.
What your pulse is for your body, sales are for your jewelry biz.
Sales are the lifeblood of your business.
If you don’t have sales, you have an expensive hobby…not a business.… READ MORE

My grandfather used to always tell me “the early bird gets the worm.”
I never totally understood what they meant (even though he woke at 3 am most of his life)…
…until my first holiday season with my jewelry business.… READ MORE

Social Proof.
It looks like this:
You see a commercial for Product A on television, and you think that it looks interesting, so you make a mental note to try to look for it later.
You log onto your Facebook account and you see a friend share their personal testimony about how much they love Product B, and they post a link to the website where you can buy it.… READ MORE


It’s our 4th Birthday today! And we are ready to celebrate!
Before we kick off the celebration, I have a party game for you.
(It’s not pin the tail on the donkey game- I promise).
I want you to spend just a minute thinking of three things that You can celebrate Today.… READ MORE

Have you ever head of the 80/20 rule?
Here it is – 80% of your business comes from 20% of your audience.
And this is why: it’s so much easier (and cheaper) to cultivate a repeat customer than it is to introduce a brand new customer to your jewelry.… READ MORE

Have you ever bumped into a stranger at a trade show, or on the street, or in a restaurant and heard them call out –
“Oh my goodness, you’re [insert your brand name].”
It’s the strangest feeling the first time that it happens.… READ MORE

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