I can’t believe it but this is the last episode of this year!
So crazy right?!
If you want 2018 to be different from your “same old” routine…you gotta find a way to shake up your life!
I always love New Year’s and having a fresh start!
So every year I pick a word that’s sort of my mantra for the year.
This year I’ve chosen, simplify!
Naturally, I’m challenging you to ask yourself to pick your word for 2018.
There’s a lot more thought that goes into this than you’d think, so hang with me!
Having this word will totally help you stay focused and you’ll start the year off right!
Take a Look at Where You Are
Okay, first things first.. what’s the status of your business? Before you think about where you need to go in the year ahead, reflect on where you’ve been!
What parts of your business are running great? What could use a few tweaks? Use these questions to really get to know what you need in order to thrive in the next year!
Envision Where You Want to Be
Get really clear on your vision for the upcoming year! Not only what goals you want to accomplish, but envision what will it look like for those to happen!
Remember your goals, but think about what’s holding you back! Ask what’s standing in your way? Now you can anticipate and overcome the obstacles and totally crush your goals!
Don’t Forget Your Feelings
When all is said and done, how do you want to feel?? What emotions do you want more of in your life? This is key in finding your word!
Maybe you want to feel joy and happiness? Maybe you want to feel less stressed or worried? These emotions will guide you towards your true goals and inspire your one word.
xo, Tracy
There’s still time to join our Jewelry Brand Makeover Bootcamp, it starts January 8th! This is such a great opportunity to kick off the new year with a fresh outlook on your business. You won’t wanna miss it!