Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Video is the king of the marketing world. And technology has made it easier to create great video content than ever before.
If you haven’t gotten started using video yet, your business is losing out on tons of potential clients.…


There’s nothing more satisfying as a coach than getting your clients results beyond anything they expected. These are the clients that give you the reviews and referrals that take your business to the next level.…


If the money is in the list, how do you build your business with a small social media following or email list? How can you prove how good you are if no one takes a chance on your service due to lack of social proof?…


Do you break out in a cold sweat at the thought of a sales call? Do you feel like a sleazy used car salesman when you try to convince a prospect to buy? Sales is a struggle for a lot of entrepreneurs.
But there is a better way… A way to fill your pipeline with prospects who are pre-sold on your offer!…


Paid ads are a great way to get more clients and stack cash in your business… As long as you know what you’re doing.
When ads don’t work for our clients, there are a few common mistakes that destroy ROI and waste tons of cash.…


Have you ever had the frustrating experience of coming across a perfect prospect who wants you to jump through hoops to convince them to buy?
There’s nothing wrong with having questions, but how do you move them from suspicion to pulling out their wallet?…


Every entrepreneur wants to get to that magical $10k per month level. But once that happens, what do you do next? I can tell you from experience: what gets you to $10k a month won’t get you to $20k, $30k, or $100k.…


We’ve all been programmed from an early age to avoid using credit so we don’t get into debt. That may be great personal finance advice, but it can destroy your business.
In fact, the world’s wealthiest people and businesses love using credit.…


As an entrepreneur, you can get all the technical details in your business right and still fail if you haven’t gotten your mindset right.
The way you view what happens in your business can drive you to higher levels of success… or cause you to second-guess yourself until you’re forced to shut your business down.…


The “big picture“ for success comes easily to a lot of entrepreneurs. But when they start to get into the weeds, they realize the devil is in the details. Missing one small step can often be the difference between success and failure.…


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