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Without headaches or hassles

You can find “proven” marketing strategies anywhere on the internet. And many of those might have worked for someone at some point in time. 

But that doesn’t mean they’ll get you any clients. In fact, if you blindly copy an outdated strategy, you’re almost guaranteed to fail. 

Marketing evolves. That’s why you have to do what works today—not what made people rich in the ‘80s.

In this episode, you’ll discover 9 inbound marketing strategies that magnetize clients right now. 

Want the latest marketing strategies that work? Listen now!

Show highlights include: 

  • How to combine outbound and inbound marketing to multiply your marketing results (without sketchy cold-calling tactics). (4:42)
  • Why “wasting money” on social media ads is more profitable than cold-calling prospects for free. (8:55)
  • Why posting great content on social media leaves money on the table (even if it gets you clients)  (16:35)
  • The “Idea Bank” strategy that gives you an endless stream of content to create. (20:48)
  • The most effective appointment-getting strategy that automates your lead gen without you lifting a finger. (24:12)

If you’re looking for a way to set more appointments with qualified prospects, sign up for James’ brand new webinar about how financial advisors can get more clients with email marketing. 

Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/webinar to register today. 

Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.

Discover how to get even better at marketing yourself with these resources:




Read Full Transcript

You're listening to Financial Advisor Marketing, the best show on the planet for financial advisers who want to get more clients without all the stress. You're about to get the real scoop on everything from lead generation to closing the deal. James is the founder of TheAdvisorCoach.com, where you can find an entire suite of products designed to help financial advisers grow their businesses more rapidly than ever before. Now, here is your host, James Pollard. [00:31.7]

James: This week, Financial Advisor Marketing podcast episode is inspired by a blog post that I've written called Nine Inbound Marketing strategies for financial advisors that are working right now. And this is content repurposing. I practice what I preach. I tell financial advisors to repurpose their content. So, I am taking a blog post that did really, really well over at TheAdvisorCoach.com/blog. We turned it into a paid ad. Lot of people clicked on it. Lot of people commented on it. Lot of people gave positive feedback. It has done really well as an article. So, I'm taking what has worked and I'm turning it into a podcast episode. And this is going to be a lot of fun because I'm going to give you additional context. I'm going to throw in a couple of extra stories, little tidbits here and there, because I want to reward you for listening to this podcast. So even if you've already read the article Nine Inbound Marketing strategies for financial advisors, that are working right now, if you've already read that, don't go away because I'm going to make this a little special for you or make it extra special. And if you're wondering if inbound marketing works well, you're listening to this podcast right now. This podcast is a form of inbound marketing. So, settle in and let me give you some inbound marketing ideas that you can use in your business. [01:48.8]

But first, let me explain. There is a difference between inbound marketing and outbound marketing. This is something I want to get out of the way, because even though it sounds super simple, yes, you have outbound marketing. Yes, you have inbound marketing people still get it confused. Outbound marketing is like pushing while inbound marketing is like pulling. Outbound marketing is when you initiate the conversation and you send the message out to your audience, you are pushing whatever it is that you're doing out to people. This includes like things like cold calling, seminar marketing, direct mail, and so on. Inbound marketing is when people come to you, people find your message. It includes things like blogs, the written blog article that inspired this episode is a form of inbound marketing. It includes podcast, this podcast itself is a form again of inbound marketing. And it's something that works really, really well. [02:44.4]

The other inbound marketing strategies include email opt-in forms, email marketing, eBooks, your website, getting people to set appointments on your websites and things like that. And in my experience, financial advisors tend to approach these two marketing types as either or they will do one or the other. For example, one financial advisor may tell his associates to just pick up the phone and dial, smile and dial. If you don't make cold calls, you don't have courage or something like that. It's just, that's outbound marketing. When you tell people to make the cold calls is you're telling them to engage in outbound marketing because they are pushing their message. They are pushing their products themselves, their services out into the world. And another, or may smile and say, well, I have a made a cold call, in years and kind of humblebrag and be have that self-aggrandizement. Oh, well you make cold calls. You must be a terrible business person Ha...ha...ha. It’s like, no, it's just that you to do inbound marketing and someone else meets, used to do outbound marketing. [03:45.0]

People get like on a pedestal with this stuff, they'll say, oh, well, you don't need to post endless amounts of content. You don't need to write blogs. So, whatever, just pick up the phone and dial, send out that mail, reach out and touch someone, shake hands, kiss babies. And then other people would say, oh, I don't want to do any of that icky stuff. I'd rather just sit behind a computer all day. I'd rather just post on social media. I'd rather just write emails and send them out. But here's the secret. You want to do both. My marketing philosophy, the entire thing, that the Financial Advisor Marketing podcast and TheAdvisorCoach.com, is built on is this idea. And it's the idea that you should do things to get clients today, that's outbound marketing; while building the machine that will get you clients tomorrow, that's inbound mark. And what's even crazier is this. You can have inbound marketing materials, but use outbound methods to promote them. [04:40.9]

For example, I can cold message people on LinkedIn and I can start a conversation that's outbound marketing. And I can tell, tell them about this Financial Advisor Marketing podcasting that you're listening to right now and when they go to listen to the podcast and they like it, that's inbound marketing. So, in this case, the inbound marketing strategy, them listening to the podcast or in your case, it could be reading a blog article, it could be watching your YouTube channel, it could be going to your website, whatever it is. The inbound marketing strategy does the heavy lifting, but the, the person got there from an outbound marketing strategy. Does that make sense? Here's another example. Many financial advisors are sold this pipe dream that they can do nothing but post content and put it on LinkedIn. And they can get clients. I have a product called how to get clients with LinkedIn. But one of the things that I say in that product is, do not spend all day on LinkedIn, because there are so many people who would just lie to financial advisor and say, you have to do is just post twice a day and engage with people in your audience and let them find you. You don't have to do anything. Can this work? Yes, it can work. Of course. I mean, I've seen people get clients with it, but it is really slow. [05:51.7]

So, if you want to speed up the process, what you want to do is sprinkle some outbound marketing into the mix. That's like the big idea, the big takeaway that I want you to get from this entire podcast episode is that outbound marketing can pour gasoline on the inbound fire. Plus, according to HubSpot state of inbound report 76% of marketers use inbound marketing as their primary strategy. But that report came out in 2017. So, I imagine the percentage is even higher today. So, what do I say when it comes to following the herd, you'll get slaughtered. You want to Zig when everyone else is zagging. There are so many financial advisors right now who buy into this idea that outbound marketing is icky and you don't want to do outbound and outbound should be avoided. Well, if you can be the one to combine both outbound and inbound marketing while everyone else just does inbound, you're going to be rewarded. You will crush everyone else. [06:54.4]

Again, the secret I want to make sure you get this before we get into the strategies, because I don't want to give you the impression that I'm just recommending inbound and that you should treat inbound as a holy grail. This is not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to tell you, you can have inbound marketing materials, but use outbound methods to promote them. The inbound strategy will do the heavy lifting for you, but you have to get eyes on your marketing, on your products, on your service in the first place. So, let's get into my favorite inbound marketing tips for financial advisors. And rather than throwing a random hodgepodge of recommendations at you, I'm going to break these ideas into a few main inbound marketing categories. They are social media content and email. I’m a huge fan of the 80-20 rule, which states 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. And if you're a financial advisor interested in inbound marketing, these three categories, social media content and email will be responsible for them bulk of your results. So, let's begin. [07:53.5]

The first category is social media. And according to the Putnam social advisor survey, which surveyed 1021 financial advisors about their social media habits, found that 92% of financial advisors say that Social media help them gain new clients. And by the way, I don't remember if it was this study or this survey, it may have been another one, but the number 94% is sticking out in my head. I know its 94% Someplace found that 94% of financial advisors who are getting clients with social media, we're leveraging direct messaging capabilities. So that is outbound marketing. They are doing outbound marketing, but you want to combine them with inbound. I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but I really want you to get this. Plus, the amount of investible assets gained through social media is trending up. For example, in the 12 months preceding the survey, the average asset gain was $1.4 million. So, if you're not using social media as an inbound marketing strategy, you are leaving money on the so inbound marketing strategy. Number one is to amplify your message on social media, with paid ads. [09:02.3]

And in a video ad that I recently ran, these are actual stats from the adviser coach SE business. There was an ad that I did, it received 2,329 through plays for $148 and 95 cents. This is not like a home run grand slam ad either; this is just something that I pulled out to use as an example. So, this is not me bragging. This is just common everyday practice, we do it all the time here. In case you're not familiar through play occurs, when someone watches your video for 15 seconds or watches the entire video, if it's less than 15 seconds. And you might be thinking well, okay through play, got it advertising on Facebook in this case, what can you get done in 15 seconds? A lot, because in the first 15 seconds, I'll say something like this. Hi, my name is James Pollard, if you don't know me, I'm the founder of TheAdvisorCoach.com and I'm also the host of the financial advisor marketing podcast. And after that introduction, I will get into the content of the ad. I do this because I want to know exactly how many people were exposed to that quick introduction. I want to know down to the penny, how much bending to tell someone who I am and what I do. [10:10.9]

So, with that particular ad, I spent $148.95 cents for 2000 plus people to hear that introduction. I know that 2000 people heard hi, my name is James Pollard, if you don't know me, I'm the founder of TheAdvisorCoach.com, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And even better video ads aren't even my most effective ads. I do a lot better with image ads. So, it's mind blowing that people will cling to a particular strategy. Again, dogma is dangerous, don't follow it one way of doing something. If somebody's saying, oh, well just do video ads and nothing but that be very careful. If someone's saying, oh, do image ads don't even bother with video, be very careful. Also, by the way, if you, you want some specialized help on running online ads, I actually recorded an entire 42-minute video titled how financial advisors can run profitable online ads. You can watch that for free. You don't have to the opt-in there's, you don't have to sign up or anything. You don't have to give me a dime. I don't want a dime of your money to watch this video. You can go to TheAdvisorCoach.com/ads, just click the link and watch there's a video there. And before you scoff at the idea of using paid advertising, I want you to know that research from the content marketing institute found that 91%, 91% of top performing content marketers use paid distribution channels to promote contents. Every so often, I'll see a market will come out like, how I got 400 million people on my email list without spending a dime on ads or how I booked 42 appointments last week without spending a penny on paid ads. I'm like, you poor pitiful fool, it's not either or you want to throw the ads on top of everything else. You want to pour gasoline on that buyer. But enough about that, that's tip number one or inbound marketing strategy number one, let's go to number two. [12:02.0]

Number two is to find what's working. Let's say you're a financial advisor and you work specifically with police officers. So instead of playing the social media game by posting endless content, to see what sticks, you can take a stroll all over to your favorite police centric, social media page, and see what they're doing. And to show you how this works, I searched for police themed Facebook pages when I was writing the article and I found a page called support law enforcement. And one of the more popular posts was a post was just a headlight, the police lights in the background, and there's text on top of this image. It's very simple, nothing complicated, nothing fancy. It was a police car, you got headlights, you got police lights. And it says to all police officers, I am very thankful for your service. This got 1,800 likes 77 comments, 3,100 shares. And you're just looking to see what works. And to be clear, yeah, I would never copy and paste content from people. I've been a victim of this. People have swiped and they've stolen my content, other financial advisor, “coaches and marketing experts” and they try to take my stuff and they get a little visit from someone. And it's not fun for me and it sure isn't fun for them. Your goal should be to see which style of content works best. [13:22.6]

You want to get ideas, I see what is working and this, and also be a content marketing tip because you can use blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels to get inspiration for your own content. So, continuing with this example with police officers, I found a YouTube channel called - Mike the cop and this YouTube channel has tens of millions of views. So, I went to his page, Mike, the cop, and I sorted his videos by most popular. When you go on YouTube, you can sort by date newest to oldest, oldest, to newest most popular, that kind of thing. So, I sorted by most popular and I saw that one of his most popular videos is called 12 pet peeves of cops. So, you could take this and transform it into an email where your subject line is police pet peeves versus financial advisor pet peeves, or you could do 12 pet peeves of cops explained, and you could take his content and add a little bit more to it. Of course, you want to give credit to him. You could start the email by saying, I was recently watching a Mike, the cop video called 12 pet peeves of cops, and guess what will happen when you do that by the way? Some people will get back to you and say, oh, you watch Mike, the cop. I watch Mike the cop too. And there you go; you've started a conversation with someone you're email metrics will have been improved because someone has responded to you. The email service providers will look at that and see you as someone who's more trustworthy, you will improve your deliverability or at least prevent it from going down. There are so many benefits to this. [14:50.9]

Another popular video from Mike, the cop is a cop’s everyday carry. Well, you could share a similar video. You could put a photo out there. You could put something on social media or on your website with your own version of your own everyday carry. What type of heat are you packing? You pack that Glock 26, Glock 27, 40 cow. We're not going to get into guns on this podcast, but whatever you pack in bro, like you have your knife with you. What do you have, your wallet? If you want to stick to being a financial advisor and being cute with this, I mean, you can show a calculator, the financial planning software, a smartphone, notepad. You could say my everyday carry from my first meeting with you is just this. It's a notepad and it's a pen because I want to listen to you and I want to take notes for what's important and how I can help you. Hopefully you get this. [15:34.0]

Number three, message people who engage with you. Ah, here we go, this is the study I was trying to think of. And the statistic I was trying to think of earlier, it's in front of my face now. So here we go. According to the same social advisor survey, 94% See I got it right? Whoo. Clap for me. 94% of advisors seeing success on social media, AKA getting clients are they're using direct messaging capabilities. This isn't my opinion. This isn't some suggestion I pulled out of my butt. This is hard factual evidence and numbers don't lie. There are so many people who are anti-direct messages and they hate on them like, oh, stay out of my inbox. Like, don't message me. But it's obviously working. People are making money with this, at its core. Your social media activity is a way to get people, to acknowledge your existence and engage with you, that's it. It leads to money; you want it to lead to money. And the road to money goes through the inbox because when people acknowledge your existence and when they engage with you, your chances of converting those people into clients, it's they’re dramatically higher if you send them a message to follow up. So, the right way to get clients with social media is to use your content, to strengthen direct messages, to engage with people to drive direct messages and to use other people's content to break the ice in direct messages, because the money is in the mailbox. Everything you do should be done to either increase the chances of having a conversation or to make the conversation better when it happens. [17:09.4]

Hey, financial advisors – if you’d like even more help building your business, I invite you to subscribe to James’ monthly paper-and-ink newsletter, The James Pollard Inner Circle.
When you join today, you’ll get more than one thousand dollars’ worth of bonuses, including exclusive interviews that aren’t available anywhere else.
Head on over to TheAdvisorCoach.com/coaching to learn more. [17:31.9]

Let's move on. I gave you three social media tips, now I'm going to move into the content marketing tips. And I want to preface this section of the episode by saying this. If you're going to get content advice or content marketing advice from someone, make sure that person or the company actually does content marketing. If you want to check my stats, here's a quick run-down. I have more than a hundred blog post articles on TheAdvisorCoach.com/blog and throughout the web, like on LinkedIn or elsewhere guest posts, I have over 100. I also have more than 100 episodes of this podcast that you're listening to right now. This is a form of content marketing. Yes, it's a form of inbound marketing in the form of content. I used to have The Advisor Coach Podcast and that evolved into this. I've also been publishing a paid monthly paper and ink newsletter - The James Pollard, inner circle newsletter for years, if you want to subscribe to that, it's TheAdvisorCoach.com/coaching. I could go on. I've got the email list. I've created products. I have done I've recorded interviews and speaking engagements. I could go on and on and on and on and on. But you get the point. I'm actually doing content marketing. You're listening to this right now. I must be doing something right. So here are my tips about content marketing. We're going to go down the list. [18:48.1]

Number four is to choose quality over quantity. This sounds like some abstract vague advice, but it's real. I throw up in my mouth every time seriously, I throw up in my mouth at least a little bit every time I see someone tell financial advisors, they must blog every two weeks to get results or post on social media every day, or create a video every week. Honestly, dude, do what works for you. If it takes you two months to create an amazing blog post take every bit of it. Those two months take every second. You blog writing rockstar, but never ever, ever put out crap. Unfortunately, that's what happens when financial advisors operate under the assumption that they need to be content producing machines, because if they would have produced something amazing in two months, and they're told that they need to blog every two weeks or every week, they chop it up and they make it crappy. They they're putting out crap. In the article I included a screenshot of the average time on page for one of my recent blog posts, his specific one, it was the Barron's top 100 article that I did. [19:53.7]

The average time on page for that article that I wrote, and this is going to sound like I'm tooting my own horn and maybe I am; it was 11 minutes and 37 seconds. The average time on page for a blog post, according to Databox is three to five minutes. That means visitors are spending two to four times more time on my page than they would spend elsewhere. Again, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or whatever, but it's just because I create quality content. I don't create skimpy 500-word blog posts with no substance. I give you real examples to inform you while sprinkling in some personality to keep you entertained, to keep you reading. It's not just boring, never ending paragraphs with dry academic Taita. And you're just like, oh my goodness. Get this over with, just give me the real mine is it's a little bit better than that. [20:44.1]

Number five, continuing with our content marketing inbound marketing strategies is to create a content idea bank. One of the biggest challenges financial advisors have with respect to content marketing is coming up with ideas. So, I'd like to share some questions, you can ask yourself to come up with content ideas. Here they are. I'm just going to rattle these off. Are there any common questions your clients or prospective clients ask you? What are some popular misconceptions about your niche? Do you have any hobbies? What financial lessons could people learn from a famous person, preferably in your niche? What keeps prospective clients awake at night? What differentiates you from other financial advisors? What do you love about the people you serve? Have you taught your family members, any money lessons like your wife, your husband, your kids, your even your parents and stories about kids tend to do well? I will tell you that. As someone who has helped financial advisors get clients and set appointments with email marketing and seeing behind the scenes with email and testing more than 3.2 million at this point about, well actually over 4 million at this point, the emails about kids tend to do really well. What are your favorite books and or movies? [21:50.4]

Now, here are some more ways to come up with content ideas. You can brainstorm with people. This, these could be your clients, influencers in your niche. These could be other financial advisors. I would recommend staying as close to your clients and prospective clients as you possibly can. But if you network with a certain group of people or other financial advisors, you can brainstorm with them as well. You can stay abreast of industry news and trends. You can subscribe to blogs, podcasts, YouTube channels, all that stuff, preferably in your niche. You see a theme here, staying within your niche gives you really good content ideas. You could also read the most popular books, read by your clients. Just message them today. Say, Hey, you know, this may seem like a weird question, but I'm adding to my reading list. What are three of your favorite books that you've read ever like of all time? What are the ones that have impacted you the most? People love to be asked questions like that because they want to influence you. They want to feel important and that question makes people feel important. Now, as you go through these things, all the questions I just gave you write down any ideas that come to you. I don't care how or where you keep them. They could be in your phone's notes app. They could be an old fashion pen and paper. I don't care. Just keep them somewhere and reference them when you're at a loss for content to create. [23:00.8]

Now number six, this is the sixth tip I have for you. The sixth inbound marketing strategy is to use this lazy content creator’s method. This is going to be a very short tip. What you want to do is you want to identify a topic that your audience is dying to learn about. Then interview an expert on that topic. And you might maybe thinking oh, James, where am I going to find experts? I can't find people. Well, you have tools, my friend, you have Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, email your phone. There's a thing that you can pull out of your pocket, you can put it in your hand, you can open it up and you can Google experts. Ah, wow. Isn't that amazing how technology can work in your favor? So, use those tools and after you've interviewed your expert, create an outline directly from that interview, turn it into a beautifully written piece. And there you go, you've had some, you have some amazing content that you can use. Let's move on to the next section of this episode. So, we've talked about social media, we've talked about content marketing. Let's talk about the granddaddy of them all the Mac, the king, the goat Email Marketing. [24:12.6]

Email is by far the most effective appointment setting strategy I've ever seen for financial advisors, nothing comes close to email marketing people, nothing. Here are the pros of email marketing. It’s cheap, it can work for you on autopilot. It builds trust and rapport like nothing else. It can link it directly to your online scheduler so you can set appointments, thus the appointments part of appointments on autopilot. It can be measured and it can be improved if you're not measuring your emails and you're not measuring your open rate and your click through rate and the appointment set and that stuff like that to get any better. It's just, it's not going to happen. So, you want to measure your email. You want to measure everything in your business actually, but especially email. Also, email can be scaled. Here's the con I gave you the pros of email. Here's the con. [25:00.7]

You must have good emails for it to work, you cannot throw something together and cross your fingers. Fortunately, I've solved that problem with appointments on autopilot, but I don't want to talk about the email marketing system now. I want to give you inbound marketing strategies. If you're interested in getting appointments on autopilot, go to my believe it's TheAdvisorCoach.com/appointments. So go there and get it. Because only in that program, do I reveal my entire strategy for getting prospects to set appointments with you, including done for you templates. This is something that has taken me years and thousands of dollars out of my own pocket to perfect. But if you don't feel comfortable getting the whole shebang right now, here are some tips to get you started. [25:42.0]

Number seven is to incorporate emotion, to increase conversions. Have you ever heard the phrase that people buy on emotion and justify with logic? Well, it's kind of sorta true. According to neuroscience people make the bulk of their purchasing decisions, including hiring a financial advisor unconsciously. So, their subconscious processes and enormous amount of data. And it leads them to an intuitive feeling like a gut feeling about whether they should say yes to a decision. And there's been some research which demonstrates up to 95% or around 95% of our purchase decisions. I could expand this to say our business decision take place unconsciously. However, the trouble in financial services is that most financial advisors attempt to appeal only to the rational, logical side of their perspective clients. Therefore, they struggle and they can get frustrated. The trick, just like I'm telling you, you want both. Your mindset should be both. Why not both? Why not the best? Why can't I have it all? People are like, oh, I don't want to have a bunch of money. I'd rather spend time with my family. No, have both. Spend time with your family. Love your wife. Love your kids. Spend time, have vacations, enjoy each other's company and get the money, have a successful business. Have it all. I don't want to sound like a motivational speaker self-improvement guru or whatever, but like have it all. I personally had it all. I mean, I don't want to sound like I'm perfect or anything, but I'm certainly not. I screw up all the time, but I have a pretty successful business. I help a lot of people. I donate a lot of money to charity and I hang out. [27:20.5]

I mean, if you see if you follow me on LinkedIn, that if you haven't connected with me on LinkedIn, make sure you do that. A lot of times I'm just grilling and chilling, smoking meat, packing, heat, hanging out and still get stuff done. So yeah, kind of went off the rails a little bit, but you want to have both because the trick to setting appointments and I'm going to keep it within the realm of email marketing now is to include both emotion and logic into your approach. In fact, the reason my email marketing system works so well is because I “sell”, not really selling in the classic sense of being a salesperson, but I do sell with emotion. And this is contrary to what most financial advisors do. They, they load up their emails with cold facts, figures and statistics, and those things mean nothing to prospective clients. This is why stock market commentary emails and boring emails like, Hey, we published a blog post, go check it out. Like every week they don't work as well. Oh, and guess what? Neuroscientists have found that people with brain damage in the emotion generating area of their brains, they're incapable of making decisions. Incapable. They cannot do it. Which means without emotion it is literally impossible for your prospects to decide to work with you. Literally impossible. So, the next time you fire up your word processor to writing an email, just put some emotion in it. You've got happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise disgust. There's like 27 emotions, those are the six basic ones. When you put those in your email and all of your inbound marketing materials for that matter, you're going to find yourself doing better. [29:01.1]

Moving on number eight, we're wrapping this thing up. I got number eight and a number nine, and then we will be done. So, we'll catch you next week after that. So, number eight is to have a way to qualify your inbound leads. A lot of people believe that prospecting and marketing is about casting a wide net and getting as many people as possible into your pipeline. It's not. It's about finding the select few people who are perfect for you in your business. That's why I tell financial advisors to specialize, get detailed, make it your mission to find a specific type of person you and preferably only you can help. It just so happens that email is probably the best qualifying mechanism that has ever existed in the marketing and financial advisor world, because people can read your email at their own leisure. And if they're interested, they can take action on whatever call to action you provide them with preferably setting an appointment. But you shouldn't stop there because you can embed several different qualification mechanisms throughout all of your marketing not just email. [30:06.0]

For instance, one of the dumbest inbound marketing ideas a financial advisor can receive is this, keep your content short because some people have short attention spans. What, what? Yes, it's true. Some people do have short attention spans, but you shouldn't cater to those people. Do you really want to work with people who have Nat like attention spans? I don't, if people can't read an entire 2000 plus word blog posts, or even a simple email from start to finish, they're likely tire kickers who will do nothing but waste your time. Hey, don't at me, bro. I'm just telling you the truth; you don’t want these people. And then tip number nine is I'm going to give you another resource. I'm going to give you something to read. There is another article I wrote. It's TheAdvisorCoach.com/emails. So, the plural not email its emails. So TheAdvisorCoach.com/emails. The article was titled 4 Things I've Learned from Sending 3.2 Million Financial Advisor Emails. It’s way more than that now it's over 4 million. Plus, How to Use LinkedIn To Build Your Email List. [31:21.5]

I don't know anyone else on the entire planet who has studied and scrutinized email marketing for financial advisors with my level of precision. I have been tracking email metrics for years. This gives me an advantage, nobody else has. It's just, you cannot have it. It's like if I have the, the only Lamborghini Batmobile on the planet, other people can say, oh, I've got a Batmobile and other people can say, I've got a Lamborghini. Yeah, but you don't have the Batmobile Lamborghini. I am the only one who has it. You may have stuff that's close. You may have something that's kind of sorta what I have, but you don't have the thing, because while other people may have theories and good ideas and recommendations, I have proof and lots of it. So, I wrote that article detailing things that I've learned from sending millions of financial advisor emails. You can read it at again, it's TheAdvisorCoach.com/emails. Oh, and is this a form of inbound marketing where I'm telling you to go somewhere and you're going to make the decision as a responsible, informed, completely independent adult about whether or not to visit it. Hey, I don't care. You can visit it or you can't, or you won't. I, it doesn't matter to me either way, but I'm providing the call to action, giving you a recommendation. I really think can help. I think it can help you. And if go there, you'll probably like what you see. [32:42.8]

So those are my nine tips. We're going to go backwards now and it's have a way to qualify your inbound leads, that's number eight. Number seven is to incorporate emotion, to increase conversions. Number six is to use the lazy content creator’s method, where you find an expert. You interview that expert. You create an outline from the interview with that expert, and then you create the content. Number five is to create a content idea bank. Number four is to choose quality over quantity. It sounds like trite advice, but it is so so true. Number three is to message people who engage with you. Number two is to find what's working. Don't reinvent the wheel. If you're in a niche, find people who are already talking to your niche already providing things that they want and see what works and what doesn't. And number one is to amplify your message with paid ads. That is, it for this week's episode, I will catch you next time. [33:32.6]

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