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Show highlights include:

How speaking out loud how much money you want commits you to growing your portfolio (2:05)
Why using the “Bank On Yourself” method lets you become your own banker (and how you can capture interest you would have handed to a Wall Street bank) (4:18)
The “FIRE Strategy” that pays off all of your debt before your 40th birthday (5:37)
Why putting all of your money into a 401K limits you from actualizing your full income potential (and how you can tweak your 401K today) (8:14)

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Show highlights include:

How fishing in a pond makes you rich (even if you have no money) (2:35)
Why educating yourself financially gives you the tools to own a farm (and how you can start today to grow your nest egg) (4:02)
How teaching your kids and grandkids about “class and respect” makes them independent, critical thinkers to be able to grow your inherited “generational wealth portfolio” (6:12)
Why subscribing to “Thought Inequality Indoctrination” destroys your riches (and how you change that immediately) (8:04)

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Show highlights include:

Why asking yourself challenging questions sets you up for financial freedom (even if you don’t know the answers) (3:02)
How writing a check for college funding grows your bank account (6:05)
The “All-In Commitment” process that builds your retirement nest egg (8:25)
Why getting your kids and family involved with money creates generational wealth (and how you can start doing that today) (11:56)

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Show highlights include:

How preparing for your upcoming financial season puts you in a winning position (even if you are scared of the market) (2:16)
Why predicting the market gives you “buyers remorse” (and how you can avoid that like the plague) (4:48)
The “Price Target Trade Method” that forces you to grow your portfolio (5:10)
Why complaining about living a mediocre life fills your pocketbook (6:12)

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Show highlights include:

Why the biblical story of sending spies into Canaan teaches you how to recover from financial insolvency (4:24)
How bucking market trends fills your pocketbook (5:37)
The “5 Living Tips” that lets you take advantage of opportunities in the market (7:26)
Why getting excited about new opportunities sparks your ambition to act (and how you can see that it helps your family financially) (9:47)

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Show highlights include:

Why doubling down on market dips grows your portfolio (2:04)
How having market knowledge builds your faith to invest in it (even if you know nothing about investments) (6:27)
The “3 Bucket Theory” that gives you financial freedom (7:22)
How rotating low entry, high earnings value stocks for the next 5 years lines your pocketbook (11:05)
Why selling stocks drives volatility in the market (and how you should be buying when others are selling) (11:48)

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Show highlights include:

Why telling yourself that you are bold, courageous, and full of faith builds you up to succeed at life (even if you feel like you’re lying) (1:07)
How making simple adjustments to your training program at the gym gives you the courage to pick stock winners (2:07)
Why drawing strength and support from a Navy SEAL helps you realize how great you can be (5:56)
How joining a mastermind group fills your brain with positivity to push you beyond your limiting beliefs (9:05)

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Show highlights include:

How being the “weird kid” growing up fills your wallet (2:13)
Why your dissenting opinion from family and friends grows your portfolio (3:58)
How following the crowd ruins your finances (5:37)
The “Rapid Retirement Process” that builds your nest egg faster than other firms would (even if you already have money) (7:27)

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Show highlights include:

How equality ruins your mind (even if you believe God created all people equal) (1:01)
Why cultivating agriculture becomes the bedrock for any society (3:56)
How buying your dream house drives you to start your own business (8:42)
Why looking at your cell phone stifles your ambition (and how you can change that today) (10:44)

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Show highlights include:

How having faith in trusted advisors overcomes your fears of hopelessness (4:18)
Why hiring a financial advisor helps you reach financial freedom (even if you are already doing well) (5:22)
The unconventional way working out at the gym that lets you grow your bank account (7:10)
How making the most common “Me, Myself, and I” mistake prevents you from achieving your goals (9:36)

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