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The stock market loves it when people get offended. Why? Volatility spikes in the marketplace.
When there is volatility, there is opportunity.
Unfortunately, the opportunity only exists for those that have an even keel.… READ MORE

The stock market is a jungle full of vicious predators… Some, whose sole objective is to relieve you of all your money.
This is terrible news if you’re new or don’t know how to play the game…
Tune in to this episode as I share the shocking reality of the stock market, why a small percentage of people consistently make money, and why most people lose and quit the game.… READ MORE

People with a “poverty” mindset always feel their problem is someone else’s fault.
What do I mean by that?
If you catch yourself coming up with excuses: why something can’t happen… why you won’t be able to do it…why someone else is to blame…
…Chances are, you have a “poverty” mindset that keeps you miserable, struggling and stops you from providing your family with the life they deserve.… READ MORE

There are over 300,000 financial advisors available in just the US alone.
Yet, according to recent statistics, over 94% of them fail to create a solid financial plan for their client’s investment portfolios.… READ MORE

If a person gets extra money, whether through their job or business, what are they likely to do with it?
If you said they’ll spend it, you guessed right.
Which is terrible news! Considering money spent is money gone…
More importantly, most people end up spending all their money on their WANTS rather than stuff they truly need.… READ MORE

Working harder is the secret to success, right? Wrong!
In fact, working harder won’t get you closer to your goals or get you the financial success you dream of.
It’ll only help you get old, tired, and burned out—not successful.… READ MORE

Life goes by quickly.  You get into a lucrative position, climb the ladder of success, build a portfolio and then look forward to retirement.
Unfortunately, that is the path that most take and it’s outdated. … READ MORE

Every day, you see middle-class investors putting their hard-earned money into the stock market, only to get burned by the whims of the rich.
It’s because they follow bogus advice, thinking they are getting the best deal when in fact they’re getting the worst.… READ MORE

Show Highlights Include:

How the middle class loses 30-40% of their wealth by the time they retire (and how you can prevent that.)  (2:39)
Why investing by yourself is secretly eroding your wealth (4:43)
How to identify if a company’s stock price is overvalued (5:38)
Avoid this “FSTP investing” trap that sets up 99% of middle-class investors to fail (7:01)
The wrong way to diversify that even professional investors are guilty of (and how you can safeguard your investments properly.) (7:29)
The “Familiarity Bias” pothole that even experienced investors fall victim to (9:31)
Why do-it-yourself investing is costing you a fortune over time (and how you can save time and grow your wealth without lifting a finger) (18:16)
How you can hire a fiduciary advisor today for 6 months of free service (20:25)

Show Highlights Include:

The overlooked reason why 95% of the people trying to get rich are stuck in the middle class (and how you can avoid that…) (9:44)
How to make sure your kid becomes a rich millionaire (10:38)
The silent wealth killers that the middle class families face that rich don’t (14:11)
The “Family Tax” that literally burns a hole in your wallet over the long term (Being aware of this protects you against sudden financial crisis…) (15:46)

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