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A LOT changes actually.
The biggest?
YOU change.
And I think you’ll be surprised at what changes around you as you change.
Hmmm… or maybe NOTHING changes. Maybe it just appears to change because your view of the world changes.… READ MORE


Main Topic:
Productivity Getter Values 9-12
9. Next Level vs Clearing the Board
10. Be Solutions Oriented
11. Get help with Blind-Spots
12. No Excuses, No Regrets… READ MORE

The old music biz model is dead.
And that’s good news.
The suits don’t control it anymore.
The musicians and fans do.
(Well, the SMART musicians.)
I’m revealing how the new music business model works.… READ MORE

“If you want to be productive, be in an environment where there’s not going to be things to distract you.” – Darin Persinger

Main Topic:
Productivity Getter Values 5-8
5. Progression over Perfection

I didn’t expect THIS.
One of the most successful infomercial marketers in the world, Brad Richdale, agreed to talk marketing on my podcast.
I was super stoked.
But Brad had different ideas.
I don’t know why.… READ MORE

“Ignore the little things in your personal life, your business life. Let it go. It’s not that big of a deal. Focus on impact.” – Darin Persinger

Main Topic:
Productivity Getter Values 1-4

I love starting “bootstrap businesses.”
It’s exciting.
Some are fun little projects that bring in an extra few hundred to afew thousand bucks a month.
But some, even though they start small, have BIG potential.… READ MORE

“When you’re focused on the experience of things, you’re being selfish but in a good way. You want to wow yourself and only you.” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
For employed Americans, work took up an average of seven hours, 45 minutes per workday in 2014, up 10 minutes from 2013
Main Topic:
Does spending double the money double your happiness?… READ MORE

My friend and fellow knight in the Marketing Camelot, Brian Keith Voiles, shared some truly breakthrough stuff recently.
Brian is one of the best copywriters I know.
And he has written copy (quite successfully) for practically ALL the big successful direct response marketers.… READ MORE

“All these other things that I’m about to go through with you, if we get a response off of it, then that should trigger another action.” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
The Surprising Thing Home Buyers Care About More than Schools
The survey of 2,000 Americans found that 60% rank good school districts as important, compared to 76% who called out mobile service
Main Topic:
Developing Your Sphere Outreach.… READ MORE

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