Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

The new episode of LBLS talks about the “breaking point” of my Internet marketing career, my personal motivation rituals and my way of dealing with the fear of failure which never fails me.… READ MORE

Do you remember when you were a kid and you dove (or fell) into the deep end of the swimming pool for the very first time?
Overwhelming + a little scary, right?
That’s the same feeling a lot of designers get when they think about establishing or even increasing wholesale sales for their jewelry biz.… READ MORE


Miles Segers was a very successful real estate investor in Philadelphia during the US real estate boom.
Life was going really well.
He just quit corporate America, because his job kept getting outsourced, and the prospect of the next 5-10 years in real estate was prominsing.… READ MORE

In a rush?
Here are the highlights of 30 Day Email Challenge if you are in a hurry:
How do you get a Copy Chief t-shirt? (2:04 Mark)
What gets Kevin excited about his ideas? (7:03 Mark)
What is the big apprehension?… READ MORE

There seems to be two types of business owners.
One makes money. (Sometimes.)
The other builds a business AND makes money.
Your mindset is what determines which of these you do.
It’s why most of the biggest names in the Internet Marketing world are no longer around.… READ MORE

The only constant in internet marketing is change.
Marketplaces change.
Traffic sources change.
Offers change.
Software and tools change.
Clients change.
These changes will challenge you constantly.… READ MORE

It’s the saddest story in the jewelry industry-
A talented designer pulls the plug on their jewelry biz too soon because there’s nobody to come alongside them and teach them the business component of their creative passion.… READ MORE

How do you make your best clients find you?
How to force them to reach out to you…
to chase you… to cajole YOU and
not the other way around?
Justin Glover from Results513 Show has the answer.
And he’s spilling the beans in this episode!… READ MORE


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