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Lots of women have the dream of starting a non-profit that aligns with their passion. The idea of solving a problem by using their gifts and talents is a dream come true.
But the amount of work and logistics that go into starting a non-profit can be overwhelming.… READ MORE

The greeting card industry, entertainment, and media have all convinced women that it’s impossible to have it all. By normalizing mediocrity, they encourage you to settle and stop striving for brilliant balance.… READ MORE

When you look at other women who seem to have it all together, it can be easy to assume that they never have a bad day, or their family is perfect.
But the truth is, even the most successful experience doubt and anxiety at times.… READ MORE

We are faced with hundreds of decisions every day, and take most of them for granted because they are automatic.
But every once in a while we get hung up on a small decision. This may not seem like such a big deal, but it is.… READ MORE

In our climb through life, there are lots of things we cling to believing they will help us achieve our goals and dreams. But these things can hold us back when we don’t know when to let go.
Things that started as assets can become liabilities as you move forward in your life and career.… READ MORE

Business is challenging on its own. It becomes exponentially more difficult when we let insecurity and self-doubt hold us back.
It’s time to stop waiting for permission and go after what you want.… READ MORE

Have you ever said, “I’ll be so happy when…” or “I won’t be happy until…”? Or felt let down upon achieving a huge life goal?
This is common for high-achieving women. Nothing is worse than staking your happiness on a goal, only to feel empty when you get what you thought you wanted.… READ MORE

Your words shape your life. And you have an inner dialogue running at all times. But you may not know how profoundly that inner dialogue can affect your actions, decisions, and mindset.
When it comes to harmful inner dialogue, I’ve noticed three major themes that hold women back from achieving the balance they’re striving for.… READ MORE

The immense uncertainty and anxiety in our lives today is creating a mental health crisis for some. This can take a variety of forms, but there’s no doubt that these unprecedented times have been difficult for all of us.… READ MORE

Have you experienced the feeling of achieving your personal, professional, and financial goals… yet still feeling dissatisfied? We often get stuck in our “zone of excellence”, collecting achievements and rewards that don’t speak to the core of who we really are.… READ MORE

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