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Managing your emotions isn’t a natural concept. It takes practice and commitment. And even when you take the high road, you might not get the response you want.
But emotional maturity is more than asserting yourself.READ MORE

Whether it’s related to work or something personal, we’ve all felt like we’re swimming with our heads underwater. 
You can only hold your breath for so long. Coming up for air is the only way to live a life with joy (and recover to take on the day). READ MORE

It’s easy to forget who you are in a world full of social pressure. But if you can’t overcome a fear of judgment, you won’t do the things you’re drawn to. And if you suppress your true nature, life starts to feel miserable.… READ MORE

If you are stuck doing the same thing every day, life gets stagnant. You start to feel drained, unmotivated, and without options. 
But unhappy circumstances won’t change unless you do. In fact, you might even be standing in your own way.READ MORE

When you hear the word ‘selfish,’ you might think of a person who focuses only on themselves. It’s portrayed as a negative trait that puts us above others.
But being selfish isn’t as bad as you think.… READ MORE

Whether it’s choosing a restaurant for dinner or deciding to move across the country for a job, we face decisions on a daily basis. And sometimes those decisions can feel so overwhelming, you’d rather not make them at all.READ MORE

Crossing paths with highly influential people can be quite nerve-racking. There’s a wave of intimidation surrounding success and social status, even if you’ve only created a persona of the actual person in your head. READ MORE

If you find yourself fighting fatigue with an extra cup of coffee or looking to escape your day with a second glass of wine, you’re not alone.
And while it can feel like life is full of one-time actions, it’s the habits formed daily that achieve happier days.READ MORE

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists. While some people live through having one, others cringe at the sight of it. And right when you check off a box on your list, it feels like three more things are added.READ MORE

We all have a list of excuses, but what’s the real reason you keep standing in your own way? And how do you stop stalling to let the adventure of life unfold?
No matter how much fear and discomfort a decision holds, pushing past your comfort zone to accomplish something far outweighs the rest.READ MORE

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