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Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First

Overcoming anxiety and investing in your marriage to avoid grey divorce with Ken Bramble

Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First         Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First        
Overcoming anxiety and investing in your marriage to avoid grey divorce with Ken Bramble           Overcoming anxiety and investing in your marriage to avoid grey divorce with Ken Bramble          
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    In this episode, you’ll discover… 

    • Why “faking it until you make it” nukes your business career and your home life (4:08)
    • How telling your wife about your anxiety jumpstarts your healing process (especially if you think sharing makes you seem weak) (6:40)
    • Why imposter syndrome creates physical anxiety (and how relying on God helps you feel confident in your abilities) (11:33)
    • Do you feel too old to start a business? Here’s why starting a business in your 50’s can be more fulfilling than starting one in your 20’s (12:46)
    • Why sharing your most humiliating mistakes with your kids brings them closer to God and makes them more independent (16:25)
    • The “Spouse Comparison Journal Challenge” that makes you chomp at the bit to give more support to your partner (29:07)
    • How to transform frustration with your spouse into pure love in 5 minutes (or less) (32:01)
    • The “Turning and Serving Approach” that prevents you from suffering a grey divorce like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates have (32:32)

    If you’d like to connect with Ken, you can find him on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenbramble or send him an email at ken.bramble@hubinternational.com.

    If you’re feeling stuck, are lacking confidence, or you’re inconsistent, I want to help you. I’m launching another round of The Confident & Consistent Leader Program on September 6th to help you grow in the four main areas of your life: You, marriage, parenting, and business. To check out this program before it launches, head over to https://www.corymcarlson.com/leadership/.

    Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home? If you want to learn how to win at home, then go to https://CoryMCarlson.com and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home.”

    If you're looking for a resource to help you with these times when your work is now in your home, check out my book Win At Home First on Amazon. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read

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