Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
The Podcast Launch Coach program will be closed in less than thirty minutes.
Grab your sport now or forever hold your peace.
CLICK Here to sign up now.
Producer Jonathan…
This week at “The Factory”
Before we dive into all the goodies I have for you this week you should know that enrollment for The Podcast Launch Coach ends tonight.
If you’re ready to start your show within the next thirty days and you want someone to guide you to the promise land – giving you a big push when you need it —- this is your chance.…
I’ve received a bunch of questions about the Podcast Launch Coach program.
Instead of answering them one by one I’m giving you a quick highlight of what you can expect when you join.
It’s a four week accountability program with new stuff each week including:
* Week 1: Finding your audience, picking the right topics, getting the right equipment
* Week 2: Packaging your show to look and sound professional
* Week 3: Recording your show and getting into iTunes
* Week 4: Your launch and promo strategy
Plus, you’ll get some cool bonuses too.…