“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

One of the toughest things about podcasting is that you're all alone.
You don't know if anyone is out there. You don't know if anyone is listening.
You're in this quiet zone recording your show all by yourself.… READ MORE

Are you a service provider or consultant?
Are you tired of all the competition out there driving your prices down.
If you can't stand to discount your rates and you don't want to work with low class jack ass clients I've got something for you.… READ MORE

Today I read an article about the media facing a backlash for getting it wrong.
They predicted a huge Hillary victory.
Now they're being questioned on where they're actually getting the info they're "reporting" to you.… READ MORE

When I told her I've been sober for 6 weeks she turned, looked at me and said, "I don't like that word, you should find another way to describe it."
And I said, "OK – I've abstained from drinking for 6 weeks."
See, I decided to take a little break from the hooch for a bunch of reasons (too many to explain here.)
It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.… READ MORE

While I was on the road in October I heard a lot of "thought leaders" talk about the future of sales.
They say you're leaving dough on the table if you're not creating these complex funnels with quizzes, and automation, and video sales letters.… READ MORE

Look, tomorrow we'll get back to your normal daily dose of email goodness from me.
But I'm on a mission and it's for your own good.
People always tell me they want to start an authority based business, but they don't know what the first step is.… READ MORE

It's election day tomorrow in the U.S.
And you can't go anywhere without hearing people talk about it.
I've never seen so much hate around an election and it worries me.
I have big concerns about both candidates.… READ MORE

You're cutting it close buckeroo.
There is less than an hour left for you to join my Podcast Launch Coach Program.
This is the last one for the year.
Your authority awaits http://ThePodcastFactory.com/plc
See you inside, 
Producer Jonathan
16877 E.… READ MORE

It's complete and utter madness over here.
I'm getting hit with tons of questions about my Podcast Launch Coach program that's closing tonight.
If you've got questions, I've probably already answered them here:
In the meantime, here's what you missed last week at The Factory:
Last Week at "The Factory"
Doberman Dan | Off The Chain
Entrepenurial ADHD with Dr.READ MORE

I keep getting these two questions so I figured I'd send out the answer to you just in case you were wondering the same thing.
People are asking how the Podcast Launch Coach works and if it will work for them.… READ MORE

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