“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

While I’m here in Utah for the month I’m planning on writing a book.
No, it’s not a book about podcasting alone.
The book is about gaining celebrity positioning in your market.
Podcasting is a big part of that.… READ MORE

Right now me and the family are sitting by the fire in our Condo in Park City, Utah.
When we first brought Dong home we thought we wouldn't be snowboarding at all.
This year we're not just going snowboarding, we're realizing a dream we've had since we first started hitting the slopes together seven years ago.… READ MORE

The online hype machine would have you believe that podcasting can make you rich.
As long as you have a banging studio and a bunch of interviews lined up, you’ll be making dough with your show in no time flat.… READ MORE

Launching your own podcast can be a scary thing.
Especially if you don’t know where to start or who to trust.
If you’ve got all the time in the world you can go digging through the interwebs to find all sorts of free info on starting your own show.… READ MORE

Last year I got to interview a bunch of A-List players in Direct Response Marketing for a project I was working on with my buddy Ben Settle.
We packaged all these interviews up for our membership site.… READ MORE

It’s no secret, launching your own podcast show is a lot of work.
If you don’t know where to start the learning curve could be crippling.
In my work I’ve found three main areas where people struggle.
Area #1: Tech – You don’t know what equipment you need to get started.… READ MORE

I get offended any time someone calls me a podcaster.
Why? Because most people who call themselves podcasters are dead broke.
That’s because they bought into all the hype on the interwebs that tells you podcasting will make you big buckeroos.… READ MORE

Truer words have never been spoken,
Behold what Kyle Newell from "Unlocking Your Inner Strength" said about working with The Podcast Factory team:
"The obstacle that would have kept me from starting my podcast would have been me procrastinating – which was the case before I met you.… READ MORE

I'm always looking for inspiration for my business.
While loading up my kindle with books for my upcoming trip to Utah inspiration struck inside Amazon.
One of the things they do to help sell their books is give you a preview of whats inside.… READ MORE

Late 2015 I was gearing up to start my daily notes to you.
At that time I was only planning to write 5 days per week.
But a friend challenged me to write 7 days per week for the first 30 days.
7 days? Really?
I was afraid I wouldn't know what to say.… READ MORE

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