“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

When I was an electrician I dreaded Mondays.
It meant the weekend was over and I had to go back to the 7:00-3:30 grind.
I felt like I had no options in life.
There was no way out.
I was trapped.
If I wanted moolah I had to get my buttocks to work.… READ MORE

I’m sitting here at the Starbucks when I get the sudden urge to click the bookmark that used to link to my Sunday email thingy.
Everyone looks at me when I say out loud, “Holy Crapperz he fixed it!”
Not sure why or how,
But it looks like my Sunday email thingy is working again and I couldn’t be more grateful.… READ MORE

Instead of blessing you with my deep business insights today,
Why don’t we have some fun?
Over the last week people have been commenting on my glorious patch of facial fur.
They wonder how I keep it looking so good.… READ MORE

This is your last chance to grab the Podcast Mogul Newsletter before the price hike.
After a year of keeping it at the same price we’re finally raising the price.
But you’ve still got a small window of opportunity to lock in your subscription at the same low price.… READ MORE

Here’s something the GuRoobs don’t want you to know.
If you want to have a successful podcast launch where listeners are lined up waiting to subscribe, rate, and review your show then you’re gonna need an email list.… READ MORE

People often ask me,
Why on earth would you write a print newsletter about podcasting?
I have several reasons.
1. If I wrote a book about podcasting it would be outdated in a year. The monthly newsletter allows me to bring you what is working right now so you have the most up to date strategies before anyone else.… READ MORE

The average Jack launches their podcast in hopes of building a massive audience of listeners who hang on every word.
The sad truth is even though iTunes has millions of people listening to podcasts every day none of them care about your show.… READ MORE

I belong to several different masterminds and forums and every so often a fun question comes up about podcasting.
In a forum the other day a guy asked what were some of the big lessons and pitfalls to avoid when jumping into podcasting.… READ MORE

A podcast all by itself won’t do much for you.
That’s what so many podcasters fail to realize.
They jump into podcasting thinking it’s “the thing” that they’ll build their business upon.… READ MORE

People often wonder what they get when they subscribe to my Podcast Mogul newsletter.
And I’m happy to share some of the details with you, but first I want to tell you what you don’t get.
You don’t get a digital version (it’s not my style).… READ MORE

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