Not sure if I told you this,
But I’m in recovery.
For many years I’ve been addicted to info-products and software.
You name it and I probably have it.
It wasn’t until I was chatting with my boy Igor from the “List Building Lifestyle Show” about his business that I realized what a big mistake I was making.… READ MORE
True Story:
In school I was a total loser.
Seriously, my Junior and Senior year of High School I spent more time suspended or skipping than I did going to class.
I didn’t even go to graduation with all my friends because I was in summer school getting the last 1/2 credit I needed to graduate.… READ MORE
This is your last chance to find out how you can use the 6 psychological principles of influence to boost your authority.
It’s all inside the next issue of my Podcast Mogul Newsletter
When you subscribe tonight you’ll also get a special bonus.… READ MORE
In 1932 British Economist Lionel Robbins said,
“If we lived in a world where all resources were abundant we wouldn’t need economist because they’d have nothing to study. We wouldn’t need to worry about how we allocate resources and there would be no impact no matter how much we used.… READ MORE