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Have you ever heard the Lou Holtz quote, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying”
I like it a lot.
Only, I would change one thing.
I’d say if you’re not growing you’re going extinct.
That’s why I developed a tool that measures your “daily growth” to make sure you’re on target to hit your goals.… READ MORE

Read in the paper yesterday the great evangelist Billy Graham died.
According to the article he was one of the most influential spiritual leaders of modern times.
He counseled many US presidents.
And he was a rock star.… READ MORE

On back to back calls yesterday I realized something interesting.
There is an underground world of experts behind the experts.
These are the people doing the things that make the GuRoobs shine.
I call these people “Invisible Experts”
Nobody sees them.… READ MORE

Look, if you’re a spelling (or grammar) Nazi you should know one thing.
I don’t care about that stuff (and YES – I know I misspelled school)
I’m not turning this note in for a grade.
A while back we were looking at “schools” for our 3 year old son.… READ MORE

It was nice when I was behind the scenes.
Nobody knew who I was.
Nobody bothered me.
But ever since I decided to be the “face” of The Podcast Factory I’ve been dealing with some new stuff.
Like for instance… HATERS.… READ MORE

Are you running paid ads on Facebook?
Have you heard the rumors that everything is about to change?
Yeah, me too.
One thing that won’t change is the FAT mistake I made with my ads that cost me BIG buckeroos.… READ MORE

I’m not too proud to admit when I screw up.
And boy have I screwed up recently.
I totally forgot the first law of Direct Response Marketing – “Tell them what to do next”
I’ve been telling you all about my adventures on Facebook.… READ MORE

There’s no question in my heart that every other “witty” marketer has sent you some sort of Valentine eMail.
Good for them.
This isn’t one of those.
Instead I want to tell you a dirty little secret about me.… READ MORE

After 2 years and 2,452 people.
A study by Northwestern University has found that proximity to high achievers CAN improve your performance.
Either through peer pressure or new learning.
When you get around high achievers you get a boost.… READ MORE

I’m sitting on my back patio with the grill blazing at 400 degrees.
It’s Daddy’s turn to cook dinner.
Nathans dogs on the grill.
Blue Moon Beer in hand.
And all I can think is, “Seinfeld made me do it.”
Did you ever watch The Seinfeld Show?… READ MORE

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