“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

If you’re new around here then you won’t know how The Podcast Factory started.
Basically, it was me rapping with my mentors, recording the conversations, and putting them on the air so everyone could hear what we were talking about.… READ MORE

.:: If you want good sound, hire a musician ::.
I see it all the time.
A guy is a musician,
He plays gigs here and there.
Loves to play, but can’t make any dough doing it.
Since he knows how to “make music” he looks for a way to use his skills to make a living.… READ MORE

The other day Cupcake and I took a trip down memory lane.
We went to visit some friends that live in the town I grew up in.
After the visit we decided to go get a slice at my favorite Pizzeria.
I wondered if it would still be there after all these years.… READ MORE

I thought I made it abundantly clear,
But I still got this question about my Podcast Recipes book:
“No kindle version?”
The short answer…
The long answer:
The Podcast Recipes book is only in print.… READ MORE

8:55 AM this morning.
Heading to the office.
Give Huddy a hug and kiss.
Grab Cupcake and plant a big one on her lips.
She asks, “What was that for?”
And I say, “I’m going to make some magic today.”
Most people think all we do is produce podcasts.… READ MORE

As expected,
The reviews for my new Podcast Recipes book are flooding in.
It’s more of a trickle.
Better yet,
A drip.
OK, it’s only two so far.
But who’s counting?
Here’s what Mark Wilcox has to say:
“If you want to know how to make a podcast that’s going to change people’s lives for the better and make you piles of moolah in the process then you need this book.READ MORE

Around my house we call my Dad, “Opposite Man.”
Becuase when you expect him to do one thing, he always does the opposite.
It was difficult when we were working together.
I’d give him a list of things to do, and he would do his own thing.… READ MORE

The first glowing review for my Podcast Recipes book:
“This is the most valuable information about about podcasting I have seen pound for pound (well, no pun intended, it’s a REAL book).READ MORE

Can you guess why today is so special?
It’s definitely not becuase I’m doing one of those lame ”Flash” sales every other Guroob is doing.
It’s not becuase we’re celebrating Independence Day here in the good ol’ U.S.… READ MORE

If you’re trying to break into a new market it can seem difficult.
Especially if no one has ever heard of you.
You’ve got established competitors taking up mind share and market share.
People who have been around longer than you, with larger companies than you, who have more customers than you, and a way bigger budget than you.… READ MORE

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